Xeno Ranks all FFXIV Mods | Third Party Tools Tier List

Xeno ranks all Final Fantasy 14 Mods, including the most popular ones such as ACT, XIVAlexander, Penumbra, Splatoon, …


42 thoughts on “Xeno Ranks all FFXIV Mods | Third Party Tools Tier List”

  1. I mean i already lets trusts fight while i do other stuff on dps to level them. Granblue relink has a cool function where only certain difficulties can let you auto but the last two difficulties you are on manual only.

  2. In further support of Xeno’s take for FF14 Combo, I’d like to point out his take is literally how all the scions skills work in duties where you play as them.

    When playing as Thancred, your first action is the standard gunbreaker combo, all three parts of it, on one button. When playing as Alisaie she has her jobs combos in single button combos. Ali has an aoe button and a single target button and you just spam each one as needed.

    If it’s fine for characters we sometimes get to play as, and functions identically to what we have access to, with the sole difference being “it’s less clunky”, then I fail to see why it’s not already part of the game.

    Additionally, I’d rather only need 1 button than 3 for a combo because as more content comes out, we get more and more buttons, so condensing some of the more Wrote stuff would make sense to avoid button bloat.

    Note: I’m not saying to do it immediately, mind you, basically every combo gets upgraded at some point while leveling, so simply tie the one button feature to when the full combo is upgraded, so that players still learn the combo, and why it’s important, while leveling, and then it gets simplified once they need to learn more advanced buttons relevant to their job.

  3. Also, we really need to stop calling Addons & Plugins, Mods as a community. Completely different things and goes to show the understanding people even have about the topic using Mods as a blanket statement

  4. I saw someone say they use 14 combo for aoes, that does actually make sense, a button for 3 targets might aswell be condensed to 1 because you only use it in dungeons and fates ect but it's only reducing 1 button plus as a controller player, I put sprint on main hotbar and using the 2 hotbars I don't even have all my PLD skills on my bar. I hybrid with keyboard for cover and I just don't use shield bash and I swap between low blow and pots depending if I'm raiding or not.

  5. Looking at all those mods,while being a console player makes me think either add them to the game so we can use them to,or just finally splitt Console and PC…. We would survive it,console player base is stable-ish ……. …. .. . x)

    Like pc has sooooo much advantages over console players,I’m actually ridiculously proud of myself right now,for being able to clear savages and ultimates raw without any third party tools. So much stuff to give enhanced raiding advantages,imagen being able to zoom out a bit further,I would like that a lot,we still stuck on standard zoom out range…..feels bad x)

  6. Man, Noclippy and Engage timer should be part of the base game.

    Noclippy is not an "advantage", it just removes the disadvantage of high ping, and if everyone had it, it would be an even playing field.

    Engage timer is more than the countdown in the beginning, but a combat timer that starts when you attack something, to help you keep track of even and odd minute rotations.

    I personally would struggle to play some jobs that need to align/realign rotations without it.

  7. I am tired of Tome Capping and Leveling (even one other job besides my main). That's why I stopped playing the game (after about 2500 hours). The problem isn't that capping tomes is boring, it's the fact there are tomes you need to farm out with a weekly cap.

    After all, if the content is so easy you can auto battle it. Why is it even there? To waste your time while getting you to log in and give engagement metrics.

    This may not be a problem if you like upkeep online gaming, but after so many years I am actually just done with this kind of design.

  8. ngl cactbot for just basic callouts like "tankbuster" or "aoe" doesnt bother me, its like having a raid lead do super basic call outs. especially when doing fights, you havent done in years/months. but some people overly rely on it, and simply cannot play without it, and then i think it becomes an issue. ACR on the other hand, is a way worse offender in terms of mods imo.


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