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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]
It's like a turd that won't get flushed… Keep flushing
The problem is not wut lamat, is the writing of her protagonism, too forced and out of place sometines, the climax killer on the last trial is unforgivable
Now we can go to other reflections and find the other Wuk Lamat shards!
I can’t believe the main character of the story is part of the final confrontation 😱😱😱
our wol went from doing nothing in the cutscenes to doing nothing in narrative as well. we even got spotlight stolen on final boss. you could take wol out of the story, and it would be unchanged.
raid story is actually better than msq….
Its kinda amazing how Dawntrail sparked many people's villain arc. I'm pretty sure that was not the intention, but I think SE should run with it.
This MSQ is boring. Expansion was released almost a month ago and I'm just now getting to zone 3.
The moment Erenville said, ' you think I could be happy', I started crying.
At least now Wuk Lamat should take a back seat like all the other expansion faction leaders.
I question how people can find being around wuk lamat enjoyable. She is purposely made to be clingy and oppressive, even if she has a seemingly good and naive nature. She is like a visitor that refuses to leave your house, and instead will make you attend them for days. Even if that person is really well natured, it shows that the person has very little consideration for those around them, and a level of egocentricism (i dont know what else to call it other than that because it is a person that has a severe lack of empathy other than maybe a superficial level) that is ill suited for dealing with others.
The entire ending for this expansion relies on two things:
1) You caring at all about Wuk Lamat, which has proven to be nigh insufferable from midpoint of the expansion.
2) You caring at all about a broken, faulty AI algorithm THAT KNOWS IT ITSELF IS FUCKING BROKEN AS SHIT and admits to being a lifeless simulacra.
Needless to say, I did not give a single flying fuck.
Whats worse, game expected me to care about the Endless.
You mutilated their souls to steal their aether. What's left is memories, and I'll tell you something, memories and echoes….
This expansion directly fucking contradicts the sentiment about Endwalker while asking for sympathy for its villain.
Zoraal Ja is a two bit Zenos with none of the villain charisma.
Wuk Lamat is an okay attempt at Nanamo v2 (original Nanamo in ARR is very damn annoying, so this is a step up)
Sphene is a piss poor attempt at Emet.
I could tell, every second of every quest, at the 2nd half of this expansion, that Ishikawa was not writing at all.
I'm not going to touch the fact that Final Days had zero reference, and during Endwalker, you see some of the stagnant leylines DIRECTLY over Tural, both North and South.
You know for a goddamn fact Final Days happened somewhere in those two continents.
I was happy not being center of story and just being a mentor.
2nd half is what fucked it all up.
The only hope I have?
That line about "Merging ritual complete." bit pays off about other reflections.
Sphene's stupid attempt to harvest life (bitch, what were you gonna do after bleeding all reflections of Etheirys dry? Go to another star? Let me clue in on you on a little thing called Meteion then. Fucking idiotic god fucking damn broken ass shit AI.)
Anyway, sphene's fucking idiotic attempt of being a bitrate Emet Selch hopefuilly resulted in some dimensional instability to allow for some reflection based story telling.
Edit: Final song is probably the only Soken miss I can remember. It's bad, but song itself might have been salvaged if not for the very weird intonation of the lead singer.
And yes, the entirety of Everkeep still using soul mutilation ( I will fucking fight anyone that tries to say its not a bad process)
We fucking mobilized armies for less.
Can we call surviving this MSQ with your sanity still intact, Wuk Lamat Savage? Texas was also my favorite part just because there was no Wuk Lamat. When the abuse is so bad that you are happy with anything as long as they do not continue the abuse, sums up Wuk Lamat existing at all for me… her absence is the BEST part of this all.
"You have finished Dawntrail. . . Now speak with Wuk Lamat"
I wanted to watch this vid but i cant risk breaking down in tears at work. 😢i just cant when moms die
Ah the worst part of the MSQ
Wuk Lamat can break through yet Graha (seriously) and Krile can't and proceeds to kill steal your glory yet again
2:51:05 interdimensional magic. same magic as azem's stone? white auracite? heart of sabik? ultima? connections??
If this thing is actually auracite maybe WOL will finally have their villain arc.
Yep. They got my money on this one, too
Unless Square makes a dramatic turn around with the post MSQ patches, they ain’t gonna fool me again. They got their one good faith pre-order from me based on past reputation
That won’t happen again
I played this expansion in JP and while I think the actress did her best, the fatigue was too strong. I really liked Erenville though, so I sincerely hope we take him up on his invitation to go on more adventures together. I think he will be okay, but I still want him to have someone by his side for a while…
Btw I think somewhere it was said Erenville adopted this accent (in EN only) to blend in with the Viera that would be in Sharlayan.
Being able to appreciate a beautiful moment and wanting our character to be the center of attention aren't mutually exclusive ideas. This game does it extremely well many times throughout the story. Not sure what your point was with that comment.
The graphics update is great. The changes and content are great. The MSQ is just very meh. 🤷♂️
That final song is so ass I’m sorry 💀 soken did NOT cook with that one, and the vocalist str8 up sounds bad 😭
In Dawntrail you take the role of a cuckold. You were the warrior of light, but this time you get sidelined by a fanfic oc cat who loves peace. You get to help a bumbling fool become the leader of a nation and watch as they take all the glory for herself.
Did you guys know they added female Hrothgar?
I lost my entire shit when that happened in the final fight lol so mad. Ruined the best fight so far. 😂
It is so thematically off, and executed so poorly, I might have to rank both Heavenward and Stormblood above Dawntrail. Only ARR is objectively worse.
I think the VA is not the only issue with Wuk, but personally, it was an issue for me. The delivery was clumsy, imo.
I hate it that Wuk Lamat was so shoehorned in everything past the second half…I liked her at the start and the first half of the expansion when we did the trial and learned about the cultures and such. Being by Her side with character growth that was all good! (save a few cutscenes where her voice is just ugh at times). But after she was crowned as Dawnservant it should've ended there. It felt like she was just there because she's there. It got to a point where I keep asking myself why is she here again? And that final battle -_- why? and with that VA…weird thing is her voice is fine I liked it on the happy go lucky scenes but on the serious and tense moments…she really just doesn't cut it…I don't want to play on JP dub because I'm so used to good english VA's that we had with the other characters but my god its so tempting.
I just really blame the direction they went with Wuk Lamat as a whole. Her character itself isn't bad but the way they utilized her in the story just sucks. I wish we don't get more of her in the upcoming patches
Given how much Krile's story was foreshadowed, I was unhappy with the result. With the obvious parallels between Krile and Wuk Lamat (Adoptive father/grandfather – not knowing your biological parents), I would have been happy if Krile and Erenville were at the forefront of the expansion, with Wuk Lamat a little bit more in the background learning from them and their trials and tribulations. To make herself better. Then the whole trials for the Dawnservant thing could have simply been the mechanism that moved it forward.
Instead Erenville is barely there, has very little dialogue and very little impact.
Krile is sidelined most of the time, except for a few quests towards the end.
Wuk Lamat is TOO MUCH in focus. She would have been a fine character if she wasnt there all the time every time…
I also lost all the mojo of the fight with this cringefest
0.6/10, would totally buy a second Digital Deluxe license for an alt.
Man, seeing Zepla being so put off by Wuk barging in on her trial and instantly break any immersion is so sad. The VAs delivery in this especially is so bad. JP VO made it more bearable to me but I also really wished she stayed the fuck out and let me do my thing in peace.
I seriously hope the devs and execs behind FF14 are compiling all of our collective anger and learn from it. Such a stupid overly-convoluted conflict and naive, amateurish writing.
I totally understand Zepla: I don't feel bad for killing Sphene nor the Endless, they were just simulations of people and all of this mental gymnastics about her need to protect her people, understand basically fac-simile of real people projected unto robots and put at risk the lives of the actual living people completely turned me off and made the last part (for the most part) a chore.
…that and I hate how they handled Erenville's return to his village and Krile being tied to Alexandria.
Zepla's reaction to Wuk always showing up mirrors exactly my reaction.
2:42:10 these texts disappearing too fast have been a meme for 12 years now, SE is truly trolling us with these…
Hey Zepla! I just wanted to let you know that whatever audio filter you have been using has been cutting out your loud moments, or moments of excitement from coming through. It distorts the audio and at times completely removes your voice so we can't hear you. I'm not sure if you are aware of this so I just wanted to let you know!
Yeah it was a bold move adding Thancred/Gaia moment with Sphene with a community that beleives "Their" Warrior of light has different opinions that matter when the WoL is a scripted character we get to simply edit.
If they really wanted Wuk to have ANOTHER moment, they should have saved her jumping in as a after fight cutscene after we already beat the queen.
I died during the final boss after Wuk showed up, because I just dropped my controller, and went to the kitchen to get some water. What the hell were they thinking? The music even gets worse when she shows up. The English VA is so bad too. Glad I switched to JP for DT.