Is Party Finder good for clearing ultimates, specifically older ones like UCOB and UWU? Well..yes and no.
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Ultimate PF is pretty much a coinflip!
that's it. I'm adding hawu to the aether ult pdf for being toxic
yeah, most of people mentality on PF are like this " oh nice i've seen blackfire so that's where im at right now,right? i might died like 10 times prior to this and consistently dead for the majority of the prog but i've seen blackfire so that is my prog"
As someone currently trying to clear UWU through PF… Yep… it's an absolute clusterfuck…
no……just no
I cleared UCoB in pf First then in static. (Bcs static was bit behind) Also I recleared like 4 times in pf? But I agree PF can be very iconsistant:)
That feeling when you have dyslexia and read the title of the video as "Is panty finder good?" and have to just walk away.
So ultimate PF is interesting – we had a group where we were doing Annihilation prog, and the first few times we had no problems with getting to annihilation. Then a certain person in the party started getting targeted with gaols, and started consistently screwing it up. Did they think they were at annihilation for the prog point? Yeah. Could they do gaols? No. My guess? They didn't really get gaols during prog, but they can do the rest of titan, predation (something everyone has to do) and the active phase, so they join Annihilation. My healer was pretty confident in doing annihilation after that, but it turned out that she always got searing wind, so didn't know what to do when she DIDN'T get searing wind (the easier part, but still requires experience). The tricky thing with the uneven prog in a PF is you can get pretty deep into an ultimate without doing some of the more cursed setups and then get them in a random PF.
If I'm not super comfortable in UCOB doing last set of lightning in Nael as tank without murdering the party, but everything else I have no problems up until tenstrike, am I expected to join a Nael Cleanup party? I think it's just something that comes with the territory, especially with a PF party.
Cleared ucob and uwu purely though light pf. Honestly doing ucob was the best time I had in xiv and took me like a month with half of that time stuck on heavenswall.
Cleared uwu, ucob on pf, might even clear tea soon, I think it's just taking longer than having a static group but sometimes you got a group that would be better than some static and that's where your prog matter
i tried doing a pf only ucob prog as a challenge and i spent 3 hours on stream without a single person joining lol it sucked BUT i get why no one wants to prog twisters so late in the expansion cycle especially from a ultimate from almost 2 years ago lol. prob will make a static and prog the boring to watch parts and start streaming when were close to enrage. But i really think when thordan will come out i think solo progging it in PF will be the best timing since it'll be super active while its fresh and people are trying to solve mechanics
now this is content im happy to binge
Does he bind his GCDs and click his Off GCDs? Interesting.
Mate, you click your abilities … shut up … (im just kidding please, dont toss me ;_;)
Party finder with duty completed enabled? totally fine! now party finder who ANYONE can join? count me out bruh