WoW vs FFXIV for New Players? #AskAccolonn

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15 thoughts on “WoW vs FFXIV for New Players? #AskAccolonn”

  1. Wow needs to better it introduction to the story of wow for new players because if you are not a vet of the game or have read all the books about the game, you will be lost and not care about the story what so ever.

  2. they're both terrible. both showing thier age. I've played ffxiv since 1.0 and the 2.0 launch I can't imagine a new player slogging through every expansions story just to get to current. yeah it's good for streamers giving them 300+ hours of making 'exasperated' and exaggerated faces but for a majority of players, especially the younger crowd I can't imagine them going through it.

    For WoW, my suggestion would be after exiles reach (maybe tied into the end), the new players get sucked into a time portal or something and end up in a revamped caverns of time. you can tie this into the story and the caverns of time allows the player to go through and abridged version of every expansion, both to stop the infinite dragonflight from meddling in the timeline and be caught up to speed. like level 11-20 is bc 20-30 woltk, 30-35 cata etc. Then it climaxes in an instance either solo or with other new players in a dungeon that teaches end game mechanics

  3. FFXIV's new player experience can swing drastically from good to bad depending on if you've played other MMOs and what class you start with.

    If you're new to MMOs, it will guide you pretty well, as long as you do the MSQ. If you're an MMO vet, it may come off as tedious but the world building is spectacular.

    Every class/job in FFXIV is like playing a different game (except for maybe tanks) so job selection can absolutely make or break the game for a new player, especially if they dont know that you can swap jobs at level 10.

    WoWs new player experience is horrible because you get no information on the world or even how to level. You're only hope is to do research or find a friendly player that will guide you.

  4. Personally I'd say both have a bad new player experience. Wow doesn't teach you enough and FFXIV sometimes feels like they hold your hand too much. I don't main the game, but I'd say GW2 actually has the best new player experience. It finds a middle ground between too much hand holding and leaving the player confused.

  5. 9:40 why i quickly stopped watching naguura when she played ff14. she boosted and went straight to endgame ((endwalker)) and she hasn't returned to the game since. i even advised against boosting but of course she didn't listen to her viewers and now she is back to wow since. why i only suggest boosting at all for alt toons if for some reason you would want to create one for whatever reason.

    i personally don't support/watch streamers that skip everything and then complain about nothing to do. why i lost all respect for her when naguura boosted and refused to listen to anybody telling her to NOT boost in the first place

  6. It took me 5 times over many years to get into FF simply because the starting zone and UI put me off in the first 30 minutes.

    The final time I tried it I went in with the mindset of a NEW MMO player and I quickly realised how easy it was to tweak my UI to look like my ElvUI profile which helped me engage with the game a lot more.

    This made me realise that it wasn't actually the zone or quests that put me off but 100% the UI

  7. Wow has almost 20 years of content. They need some mechanism for players to take part of the events leading up to the current expansion so new players can be caught up narratively. Unfortunately, that would have blizzard invest in older content and new player experience, which I don't think they are focused on right now.

  8. Hall of the novice was a godsend for me. This was my first real mmo I dove into and, as a tank, the hall gave me just enough confidence to flounder my way through the first couple of dungeons and get my footing. Now I’m fine running blind into new content tanking because I’ve gotten more than comfortable enough with the role

  9. FFXIV used to be worse, they actually cut out some of the grind. But I do agree they have a problem, "Hey can I play with you in Endwalker?" "Sure, you just have to play 300 hours to catch get there." However they have said eventually post Endwalker will be the new starting point (not now and I'd guess not even in the next expansion) but it'd be nice if there was a condensed story option. Remove the random delivery and chore quests and mostly just move you between important cut scenes and instances.

  10. I tried WoW during MoP and quit before I even hit like lv10. I remembered what was going on in my heard at that time is "why am I doing this?" and when I talked in chat, nobody response at all. That experience left such a sour taste, I never try MMO again up until recently and having a blast with FFXIV.

  11. FF14's new player experience is very thorough, might be a little slow but its better at teaching you the game. It also allows you to properly play the expansions which is great- you actually get big boss battles leveling up that feel like end game raids, its nice. Then you get the guildgeists or whatever that teach you stuff. its nice

  12. Retail wow is a nightmare for new players classic wow would have been great but the community will ruin his time because he is new and does not know everything he wont find any groups ff14 is going to be much better but ff14 is very linear so it depends on what the player is into.


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