⚔️FINAL FANTASY XIV ON THE XBOX?🧙 | Impressions from new players | A BMR & Snickerer Review | 2024

Snickerer and BMR are addicted to FF14 and we want you to join us – The BarelyMakinRent channels are sponsored by …


23 thoughts on “⚔️FINAL FANTASY XIV ON THE XBOX?🧙 | Impressions from new players | A BMR & Snickerer Review | 2024”

  1. Oh I've got all sorts of information to share. The problem is more of piecing it out in a digestable format. I definitely like when people asks questions so we can narrow things down.

    In regard to my own experience starting out, I joined shortly after 2.0, the original release of A Realm Reborn. I had missed out on the 1.0 catastrophe, for better or worse. I was doing heroic (which later became Mythic) raiding in WoW but I played FF14 casually on the side. I've got memories of being embarrassed because I accidentally was using caster gear on my archer (everything is Hunter gear right?) and having some rando literally point and laugh at me. But then not much later, another rando invited me to my first and only FC which I've stuck to in the decade since. I've had friends come and go but it rarely had the level of drama that WoW did, so when I finally gave up on it in Legion FF became my only MMO.

    I played Bard as my main for a while, raiding in the ARR and Stormblood raid series (was too busy running a guild during HW). Didn't like the direction Bard was taking in Shadowbringers and beyond so I swapped to Summoner/Scholar. In Endwalker I'm trying out different things with Warrior for the main raid series and Sage for my first ultimate (yeah yeah, never got around to it before). I suppose I should note that the convenience of having every job on one character means you can easily gear up that character to play most any and every role for raid, though content that is still current will have a weekly lockout so you do have to be a little choosy if you're on the cutting edge of progression.

  2. hey guys, veteran since 2014 here. first of all: great video. I'm so glad you enjoy this game even with the restrictions of the free trail ^^" and I hope to see more of your journey in the future, because you're reminded me soooo much of myself playing this game for the first time and getting exited about everthing xD feel free to ask question, I'll try to answer them as much as I can ^^

  3. hi i have play ff14 for 5+ years now. for lock on i personally chnage the keybind to lock on to "nearest" enemy. idk if it would work well on controller but this helped me alot


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