WoW Mythic Raider Tries to Make Sense of FFXIV

For some time now, the lovely folks in our community have pleaded with Mike to take a look at Final Fantasy 14 – and being the anime and weeb hater that he is, he has been generally resistant.

BUT! He has heard your prayers and today sits down with Nupss to take a look at one of the bosses in FFXIV to see if he can figure out what the heck is going on.

Auviance’s POV:

Music – Hades OST
Twitter: @Preachgaming
Live Stream –


25 thoughts on “WoW Mythic Raider Tries to Make Sense of FFXIV”

  1. The MP is 2 parts, 1 WHM has good tools for MP management, if they're gonna use skills that consume large parts of MP they have a button to consume none at all instead.
    But WHM aside, MP management in FF14 is an ACTUAL JOKE regardless of what class you are playing, it's so incredibly easy to maintain your MP that it is preferred to actually avoid the stat (Piety) that ups MP and MP regen at all costs because you don't need it, you can get better DPS or healing numbers in its place.
    Basically if you ever see a healer with critically low MP and 1: they did not die and 2: half the party did not die, that is a very clear cut sign that they are a very poor player or are spamming heals brainlessly even when literally nothing is happening, which are kinda the same thing

  2. WoW "content" creators need to steer clear of ff14, WoW's community is way too toxic, whereas ff14 is a positivity haven for the most part. You will ruin the game.

  3. "the quantity of mechanics at the same time is overwhelming" oh boy and this was only one of the 1st fights and easyests of the expansion lol.

  4. it was really neat watching someone from a different mmo try to understand 14's dance like mechanics through their own lens of experience. but also such a typical wow raider mentality insulting people for messing up once on a mechanic he himself only just barely figured out 3 quarters through the fight

  5. There a trick for the in or out …. Just look at the feet. If u see a green circle around her then it in if not then it out. As long as u know the name of the mech then ur good :3 The mistake out mech graphic was a scholar using their fairy ability.

  6. I want to see Mike get into this game. It’s one thing when he approaches new WoW raids from the perspective of an old hand who knows how everything works. It’d be interesting to see him learn raiding in a new game from the ground up.

  7. Just wanted to say thanks, Preach. I'll be honest that I couldn't give a hoot about modern WoW, but your videos have always been enjoyable, and this was fun to see your first attempt at puzzling out how one of our higher-tier trials works. Keep it up m8!

  8. Oh look it's the ultimate WoW raider trying to get more views/clicks by jumping on the FFXIV wagon. Didn't/won't watch this but felt compelled to comment. kthxbai


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