It’s been a big year for MMO PvP enjoyers, from 14’s overhaul to their PvP system and new mode Crystalline Conflict, to WoW’s addition of rated solo queue arena with Solo Shuffle.
Today I want to take a look at where these games are now with their systems and how we can expect them to develop into the next year.
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The quest for queue continues in the new year! What changes do you think would help PvP the most?
Your points for for what FFXIV needs is spot on! I am still holding out for duo or trio pvp content in FFXIV <3. (glad to see you uploading again)
The PvP World Quest in the Cobalt Assembly is funnily enough one of my favourite PvP "mods" in DF right now because it's a mode wher eyou run around in a Free-For All colelcting Torghast Powers.I'd love to see an Arena or BG more that does that.
For me I would want maybe duo at least for casual crystalyn. Still learning but trying to get friends on to play would great
Not only are healers scarce in shuffles, the class balance is way out of tune as certain specs can delete healers and underperforming dps even when they're not CCd and/or are being healed. So combine this with players who are randoms to each other meaning little communication except shot calling, shuffles is gonna continue to have low participation until Blizzard fixes the class balance and MAYBE promote the use voice chat in shuffles.
I have friends in FFXIV who are very much pvp heads(one who does WoW pvp and likes that more on both casual and hardcore sides, and the other who played Lineage 2 religiously when it was still good), but don't enjoy the game's PVP because of things intrinsically linked to how the game plays as a whole instead of not having reward incentives. They still play FFXIV because PVE is good and it's a great social game.
That made me think about an idea. Have you thought about making a video about how PVP plays in either game and how that can turn away players? Like, specific mechanics that might be unpleasant but have to be in there unless you want to rework a lot of things within the game to accomodate the change.
I'm saying this because I don't know about WoW enough to actually talk about it myself.
Thanks to crystalline conflict and moogle treasure trove I now enjoy crystalline conflict and frontlines i like the dynasty warriors feel to it. Honestly i will most likely always play solo but adding a que form multiple people would probably increase pvp popularity.
I fully agree on the points made for aspects like queuing, the fleshing out of existing content, ect, the point I do have to throw some pushback on is the ranking rewards. Ill keep it simple, there were ranking rewards in the past for ranking, it forced PVP to decline into massive win trading, and it tarnished the idea for alot of people. Having large scale rewards like mounts, armor, ect for specifically ranked PVP seems like (at least at this time) a total determent to the game. Theres just not enough people hardcore interested in ranked PVP to justify the risk of restarting the win trading as well as pouring resources into making exclusive content when it could easily be put into activities that a far larger portion of the playerbase interacts with, and that will remain permanently available like tribal mounts, achievement rewards, ect. Plus, having timed exclusive rewards for ranking just to cart them off has shown to have a far few downsides, many of which are at least to a point seemingly being addressed with the plan to put all past rewards for the normal PVP in a vendor later on for points, which would simply not work for a system based off ranking each season. Joshstrifehays has some videos about exclusivity rewards and the negatives they can bring. Unless/until 14 gets a far larger community around the ranked PVP scene, I just dont see a point to it. While they may not be much, there are some exclusive rewards like titles/adventurer plates made for ranked rewards, and I think for the time thats where they should stay. Making bigger or better rewards would just end up with people feeling like they are forced to play ranked, or would lead people just feeling unhappy if they did not get the rewards.
PvP needs to exist in general in FFXIV. The shit barely fking exists. WoW is good but there needs to be a gear scaling and no gear scaling option.