Hello Albsterz Here, and welcome back to Final Fantasy XIV. We are getting ever closer to Heavensward. With that we face our next challenge.
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#Albsterz #FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV
Oh boy, here we go
This moment is iconic
It's finally time
Why are you so charming?
This is the moment everyone was waiting for. From the 1st youtube clip
best titanic flute use ever
Just pre-ordered endwalker, just picked up the minion and earring I will be wearing it till I reach level 80.
Akihiko Sanada voice: I've been waiting for this!
oh snap… its happening ! I warned you AAR was a lie!
1:01:20 rofl
As a dragoon main I am a fan of estinian and on my list of favourites he is my husbando.
Tall, strong and smart at the same time, axe-wielder, Roegadyn.
Moenbryda had everything.
So, fun bit of trivia, if you had done the Dragoon Job Questline prior to this, then that meeting with Haurchefant and Estinien would have had slightly different dialogue in which Estinien acknowledges your skill as being equal to his.
Moenbryda is perfect. Sexy ass body,Smart as fuck,and brave to boot
that moment when Urianger's voice breaks after hearing Moenbryda understood their teacher at the end still makes me tear up. the initial losses are always tough, but i feel like the reactions of those left behind hit even harder, especially when the va's are GOOD.
The moment Urianger was talking with so much emotion I just wanted to slap Minfilia "Just shuddup a second with theat blade stuff! Jesus! Read the room!" xD
Man I forgot about Nabriales voice acting lmao
Minfilia: "It's truly tragic what happened to her…anyway, here's a materia and 70 gil she had on her…"
Midgardsormr's current minion form is not a corporeal (physical) form. He stated that he only took this form until he was done constructing said corporeal form. Only the warrior of light, who has a pact with him can see it.
I actually kind of like that Midgar- actually wants to see your abilities and because of without saying specifics let you show your potential because you are more than just some chosen hero character.
Nicedog. lmfao
If your unvoiced cutscene dialogue is auto-advancing and you miss a line, you can go into the Event tab of your chat log and read previous lines of dialogue there.
I can tell you didnt take and do Lancer/Dragoon MSQ. Till it's done, when you meet him ( again ) you had a shocking expression. And yes you two know each other as fellow Dragoon.
Back when i play this cutscene i was a Paladin, and surprised he mention that. Nice details SE
" In the same fleeting moment
Thou must live
And know "
– Answers, FF14
Ok about that GPose at the end….How did they do that? Is it an emote they all use at the same time??? Obviously I am a nubbie >_>
I didnt really understand much lore or what urianger was talking about when i first played, makes a lot more sence having finished curent msq. So glad to be going through all this again
Now has the groundwork been laid for Feelsbringers.
My favorite thing is that you started saying Urianger's name properly after Moen's death. <3
Quite behind on your VODs but realizing how harsh Heavensward will be on you…..