I’m proud to be able to say I’ll be taking part in the first Savage race to world first of Dawntrail by casting the Arcadion raid.
This will be taking place on MogTalk channel on twitch / Frosty’s channel https://www.twitch.tv/mogtalk , starting Tuesday 30th July.
The broadcast will be going all day every day, but my specific time slots are Tues/Wed/Thurs at 12:00 BST / 07:00 EST if you want to catch me! Enjoy my analysis of these fights on a first watch in this video.
I’ve started my first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV over on Twitch. I hope some of you will join me on this adventure!
Will be streamed LIVE at: https://www.twitch.tv/justruss
VODs will be uploaded here: https://www.youtube.com/@justrussvods
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#ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv
0:00 I’m casting Savage Race to World First
1:25 M1
10:38 M2
21:47 M3
32:42 M4
WoW caster prepares for FFXIV savage race by reacting to Arcadion
arcadion savage normal race to world first first look sprout wow mythic raider wow refucgee ffxiv
Business Contact: [email protected]
I'll be casting the Savage Race to World First starting tomorrow, so here's my breakdown of a first look on Normal! Hope you enjoy.
Also streaming all day today – come say hey! -> https://www.twitch.tv/justruss
Casting for savage will be a lot of fun, I'm gonna be crafting for a group at server launch
I think the fights are better with English voice acting… so I can understand them lol
bro is going to be yammering literal nonsense on stream
wow looking forward to it!
something that needs to be remembered dying in 14 is a DPS loss, died once you get 25% stats reduction means 25% damage loss for 3min
died 2x or more is a 50%
on week 1 a single dps if having brink of death weakness or the head empty sign is already a sign you will not going to pass enrage, if a 2 DPS death well might as well clean up since you are not passing enrage
My suspicion is that M2S will be all debuffs management. Also Thundercat Centaur over a bee, thank you 😊
WOOOOOOOOO GG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on honey B. line you*can* keep melee uptime without getting hit if you space it absolutely perfectly but it's not worth it
This was my first Day 1 Raid experience (logged in at 3:00 am on the dot) and it was without a doubt a very fun experience, I got to talking with a group the day after and the one thing we agreed on is that the savages for this raid series is likely to be "easier" by virtue of the mechanics being more structured and less randomized, more organized chaos if you will and I think this will especially be the case for the Honey B. Lovely fight
one thing you gotta remember that while you were watching this, you were pausing the video to identify mechanics and lines, when actually in the fight you got like 4 seconds to identify what the mechanic is trying to tell you, move to the safe spot, and keep your rotation up
Seeing the healer pov where they can extract a bunch of materia made me sad
I have a hunch that first raid with knock out mechanic, we'll have to share platform just like what we did with E9S with Cloud of Darkness. It will have precise timing where you barely will make it to the platform when you are knocked out plus she'll do a left or right slices.
idk if you'll see this in time but a bit of FFXIV raid history that you don't have much if any context for, the first 2 fights are usually mostly complete on normal mode and savage adds more permutations of things you've seen already on normal and it makes sense basically immediately, so there's very little solving going on for those 2. Rarely there will be an entire extra mechanic that might take a pull or 2 to understand but they're pretty simple on their face.
Floor 3 on normal mode feels very sparse, with a bunch of very basic mechanics, but it's because floor 3 is also usually waaaaaaaaaay more pruned down in normal mode compared to their savage counterparts. there are all sorts of designs on the floor that arent related to any attack he does in normal mode, there will likely be at least 3 or 4 basic mechanics things (and then permutations on those, combined with the mechanics we see here in normal) that are just completely savage only. Also stuff you can easily assume like the AOE damage things he does will be way harder to heal through etc
floor 4 is much of the same but there will either be an entire second form we don't know about or just like 7 minutes of brand new shit we can't really predict, except if you open the map there's an entire platform to the south you can see that normal mode never uses, so some people are probably gonna get knocked onto their own platform to deal with their own shit at some point.
hope you have fun with the cast! god speed my friend
edit: I typed all this out then you went and said it yourself in the video, so I feel silly now, but I still hope you have fun! also my next sentence might be considered lore spoilers so don't read on if you don't want, but the 1st and 4th boss are sisters in lore, so them both having similar half room wide cleaves that seem identical is thematically appropriate! they also both make clones of themselves to pile the mechanics on at the same time!
Not sure what this will be like but Normal Raids often have very little resemblance to their savage counterparts. Hephaestus for example is only “somewhat” like P4S. The fights use some of the very basic mechanics from normal but usually have either completely new layering or are replaced by mechanics that are different or meant to be solved very differently from normal. Increased difficulty for WOW raids messes with the mechanics less with a heavier focus on boss health and damage likely because they have 4 difficulty tiers (LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic) versus 14s 2 (Normal and Savage) so WOW can make every step progressive harder while 14 feels like 2 very different fights with the same assets.
But……..YoshiP took your gig already. This tier has an announcer 🙂
I’m genuinely really glad for you to hear that you’ll be doing casting for the race to world first Russ. I know it’s probably easy for you having prior experience, but I think it’s cool you get to participate in it all the same.
Something that wasn't shown in the videos and I don't think many people know or have noticed: on the map on the 4th fight, there's a 2nd platform just out of view of the minimap that has presence on the full map. I'm hoping that'll lead to some split party shenanigans.
Congrats on your commentary seat!
i wish you luck and hope everyone has a great day 1 for world first race <3