woops vs. Abyssos Raids – BLIND REACTIONS – FFXIV Highlights #19

REALLY REALLY good tier, can’t wait to see what savage looks like! Let me know which fight you’re excited the most for!

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Thumbnail Art by ▶ https://twitter.com/skullvolver

Outro Song ▶ hella sketchy – ghost

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29 thoughts on “woops vs. Abyssos Raids – BLIND REACTIONS – FFXIV Highlights #19”

  1. theory for tier 3 (spoiler obvs)!

    Claudien is probably the sundered shard of Erich. He went to Azys La where Lahabrea died… I wonder if Lahabrea lost his crystal there upon death (ignoring the fact that we got it from hyth shhh) and it still possesses Hephaistos. Perhaps Athena wishes to inoculate Claudien and make him aware of his ancient form. Somehow we’ll get Themis + Erich transported to our time to help us out here, but it’ll be messy.

  2. I mean, Themis literally has Elidibus' voice actor and he looks very young, which fits Elidibus. Also he said he saw us at Elpis in the MSQ and Pandaemonium is the only possible point where that could've been since he didn't show up during MSQ. Also, he is the only other Ancient next to Venat that wears white. And white is the color of Elidibus and all others (like Venat) who are deemed unpartial. We learn that during MSQ when we first meet her as an explanation why her robes are white. So yeah, I knew it was him the time they showed him in the cutszene back in 6.0. Just from those facts it couldn't really have been anybody else.

  3. Wait… since Pandemonium is in the present now and in the Aetherial Sea, couldn't Elidibus technically show up since he's there too? With more of his memories intact and remember who we were to him?

  4. All the DNA stuff, Athena's plot and even just how whatever is in Pandaemonium is sealed and why it's underneath it. I'm calling it now, I feel like Athena's gonna be FF14's version of Jenova, I thought Minerva but now that we saw the Hephaistos arena too and the end of Abyssos story, I really think it's gonna be Jenova.

  5. So that makes me wonder: did we fight the REAL lahabrea back in ARR and HW?
    the real one might be sundered while the one inside the crystal somehow freed himself, remained unaffected by the sundering and took over the office.


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