I was running around idyllshire doing my MSQ when I found someone afk on THE coolest mount I’ve seen in game so far! I can’t wait to finish shadowbringers extremes so I can get my hands on it. I thought this was a cute little impromptu event that then occurred :3
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I use it every day what do you mean? I worked my ass to get those extreme kills of [REDACTED] and [EXPUNGED]
Not really a Fan of that Mount. Its completely off of the Design from the other 7 Trial Mounts you need for that Mount. Also it lost massive prestige when EW launched since you can farm that Mount super easy unsync. Outside of the Gil Sink Mounts (That are just for flexing) i think there is just a couple of Mounts that are really for the Prestige like all the Hunt Mounts cause its a freaking grind, the Mentor Roulette Mount or the PVP Feat Top 100 Mounts (which is also a differend topic cause it was heavy Wintraded back then) thats also the reason i usually just do Mount Roulette when i hop on my Mount.
What makes that mount stand out among its peers is its a 2 seater. while outside the cash shop (and the possible return of an old crossover) the only multi-seat mounts are from the recruit a friend rewards and doing mentor roulettes (some people are just RUDE to any mentor trying to give any advice)
Design-wise, it's pretty cool. I'm just not a fan of huge bulky mounts (Still collect them all though).
Normal raids and their savage version can be really different. I mean, yeah, you'll see the basic version of many mechanics but Savage has new mechanics and combines things in ways that normal wouldn't dare. Some mechanics can change drastically too, so learning the savage version can mess with you going back to normal.
Loved seeing your reaction to the big jet dragon i want it so bad think its the next mount i grind for
It's a really cool mount, but FFXIV has so many lovely mounts.
As you saw, people have it but prefer others.
Dark Lanner and Raigo are my favourites.
As someone who has this, I'll tell you. It looks REALLY awkward running along on the ground (which is how you use them in places like Bozja, Eureka, and new expansions where mounts are actually in constant use). Also you're not always in the mood for very large mounts, and I prefer to use Demi-Ozma for something a bit more rare and special, or something with a custom emote like my jellyfish or the cavalry drake, or the FF15 4-seater car.
You found Landerwaffe. Boy I worked so hard to get it!
Oh I've been farming the shb EXs for that mount. Even unsynched it can take a while to recieve the drop, let alone have the drop go to you in pf. Just the Rub Gwib took hours of PF to get. 20-50 runs per mount per ex is about the time it takes for me, and I only have 2 left. Still have yet to get a single EW mount drop though, should get to that.
The big issue is that Large mounts have the horrible issue of feeling like they are swimming in mud compared to small mounts even tho they are moving at the same speed large mounts just feel god awfully slow.
i used hat mount for over a year 🙂
The mecha dragon is pretty sweet, but I'm not sure anything is gonna be enough for me to give up my ff12 hoverbike.
thumbnail is wrong. this isn't an unreal mount. it's just done by getting all the mounts from the shadowbringers extremes.
one of the reasons is because its a hard mount to get needing to get 7 other mounts to get it
Fix your thumbnail, this isn't unreal mount.
a lot of people were upset when it released because you need to collect a bunch of other mounts first that are all legit mini dragons and everyone hoped the final one would be like an eldar dragon but it turned out to be a mech which not everyone who likes legit dragons would be into :' ) personally i think its kinda cool!
Why does that scene of 5 big, dark mounts surrounding that little bun remind me of… something or other..?