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#finalfantasy14 #reaction #burnout
I just hope people understand that this is how WoW is as well. Theme park "MMOs" are like this and feel meh when the spurt of fun is over. Older MMOs will always keep you content but it's good to take from both theme park and sandbox and somehow combine that.
Thanks for the video. When is FFXIV released on Xbox? No the beta the full game
He explains why he was not making content . for real life reasons. .
Did Chris take down his vid? Cant seem to find it.
The fact someone like you has 6 children is frightening. Society truly is screwed.
Gingeeprimeee we are doing great over here in ffxiv. We dont need you back for dawntrail! 🙃
I want to want to come back to ffxiv but right now I just can’t bring myself to do it and idk if I ever will at this point. My sub recently ran out and I have no one to play with nor am I all that interested in finding new people (in ffxiv) to play with. FF7R has been fun though. Maybe I’ll follow your example Brian and go about losing some weight. Been wanting to get back down to 175 for a long time now.