Why Did I Start Playing FFXIV? – Stories With Haru Hissatsu

I saw a catgirl in an advertisement and that’s all it took. This is the story of how I picked up Final Fantasy XIV.

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30 thoughts on “Why Did I Start Playing FFXIV? – Stories With Haru Hissatsu”

  1. I have often wondered if people truly made purchases based only on the fact that they saw some hot character on it or if that was just a meme. I get it for actual porn content since that is the point there, but for everything else, I am just like "…can you not just get the same for free with Google images or something..? Even VRChat is free if you need something more interactive, dude". That is how I go about life myself and it makes sense on my head, so that was a genuine doubt in my head. Paying money for it just never clicked for me.

    I guess this video right here answered my question for good. Oh, and he said he also bought another FF game (Lightning Returns) for this reason alone which he then played for like 2 hours and then abandoned. Make no mistake, people: media developers KNOW this audience and have mastered the art of squeezing them out of their money the moment they lower their guard the most. That marketing is top-tier social engineering.

  2. My FF Story: Had been off WoW for almost 3 years. Was getting the itch, but nothing about Shadowlands appealed to me. Not the story, setting, systems, nothing. The free trial meme was gaining steam, did a little research, saw the Dragoon class, went, "OK, I guess I'll DL the free trial."

    A few months later… I've made 4 Mill Gil this week from Glam contests at player venues.

  3. This is my first FF game too. A friend at work a few years ago randomly asked me if I played MMOs and I mentioned SWTOR because I was playing it at the time. He mentioned that he plays FFXIV and got me to play it a bit but I gave up partially because I couldnt find a created character that I liked and because I didnt know to not do side quests. I basically played for like 20 hours and burned out. Then around July I gave this game a second chance and currently I've completed Shadowbringers 5.3! Unfortunately I havent seen my friend since about 2 years ago.

  4. I still remember the time when ARR beta test was advertised on a manga zine I was reading at the time back when I was in middle school, and man, it did something to the boy who once only played dragon nest. Everything just looked so different from what I was used to, not to mention that the quality of everything was just levels above. I started as a lala BRD, came back to the game during Stormblood as a male au ra BLM. and here I am, a healer main catboy. and soon I ll be a bunny twink. the evolution. 👍🏻 and ofc, you will soon be a bunny boy as well, Haru. DO NOT RUN FROM UR FATE!!! MR. ARA ARA TWINK STREAMER 😤💜 (purple eyes)

  5. I grew up as a huge FF nerd, but was really against the idea of XI and XIV, because of the MMO thing. Here I am years later and am one of those people who had their favorite FF become XIV.

  6. Also my first FF game. I remember like 20 years ago, when I was a kid, hearing about FF games. I remember it being this unnatainable dream. Never got to play any in the end. And now here I am, 600 hours into FFXIV, having the time of my life. Watching playthroughs of all the other FF games is now on my bucket list. Also catgirls forever, naturally.

  7. You know being drawn in by a Mi'Qote(especially the one they used cause damn)is fine since everyone likes it, I remember trying to play over a year ago, forgot my stuff so I couldn't play, stopped playing and then picked back up because of a bunch of other people I knew where getting into it so I got back in but I gotta say ever since I fantasia'd to a lalafell, becoming anything else has never been on the radar unless they got some sick glam set-up. Overall being drawn by the catgirls is fined since we all have that one Mi'Qote that's drawn us at some point and if you say otherwise, just straight up lying

  8. Final Fantasy whore here, it's a numbered Final Fantasy so I'm playing it, even if its an MMO. After playing vanilla FFXI tho, I wasn't thrilled they were making another MMO. I liked XI's world but the gameplay experience was…no LOL. I figured I wouldn't like XIV but gave it a shot. Turns out I liked it, still do. Tried to get into other MMO's but this is the only one that stuck.


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