Who Are the Ark Angels? – FFXI x FFXIV Echoes of Vana'diel (Final Fantasy Bestiary)

FFXI Lore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klf-tylZgrE&list=PLNONxPk8TDQrfqcIEgSTX8DvhxX_5GE5a

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p5gPy9F1s8 – Manaburn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p9BVL26ZfE – No Manaburn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RELuk0AZrV0&t – Cutscene

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39 thoughts on “Who Are the Ark Angels? – FFXI x FFXIV Echoes of Vana'diel (Final Fantasy Bestiary)”

  1. I am very curious why my feed is suddenly so full of videos of people trying to explain FF11 to me.

    I don't intend this as a complaint, make whatever videos you want. I'm just curious.

  2. I wish the devs chose the Ark Angels for the first Chaotic Alliance Raid instead of fighting CoD for the 3rd time in FFXIV. Imagine if they did a 6-man party for each alliance like FFXI for this particular Chaotic. Maybe every Chaotic could have been 18-man from that point onwards.

  3. Im happy to get their gear but im gonna need iconic player gear from this raid series to. im talking scorpion harness honam kirins osode hauburgeon askar set vermillion cloack the dusk set or even some iconic early leveling gear

  4. aw man, hearing some of these requirements for unlocking bosses and features in XI really puts into perspective how less "multiplayer" XIV is. I do love that it's easier to get into for classic single player RPG and FF fans, I am one of them after all, but I would love for it to have more of these "bring your friends or make some to overcome these trials. We do have a few of those, but not enough IMO.

  5. Divine Might was such a challenge, I didn't even care for the reward it was all about figuring out how to actually beat them with a standard group. I was responsible for keeping our EV tank going and he nearly died so many times on our successful clear. Not to mention almost deleveling from our failed attempts and that's with either Reraise or Raise 3 to reduce the xp penalty.

  6. Ok, so awesome interaction with AAMR (envy) she will use the THF SP Perfect Dodge. If you are a 99 THF, you have a 2ed SP ability called Larceny. You can use it to steal other SP abilities from targets. If you Larceny her Perfect Dodge, she will Larceny back off of you!

  7. About a year ago, I scoured the internet for a video or series of videos covering the FFXI storyline similar to how is done with every other entry and found basically nothing. Since that time, a few things have surfaced but none of them are very good. Your knowledge level, passion and narration skills show that you are the most qualified person to do this. It's a tragedy because it has a wonderful story and most people, including hardcore Final Fantasy fans, have no idea. You could be the one to change that.

  8. The sky raid was something else. Unlike the raids in FF14, it was in a shared world. Meaning you had to work with other people before summoning your own bosses. Depending on which server you were in, this may have caused some drama. And oh boy, I had fair share of drama. People were stealing eachother farming items from certain rare drops. Mostly it was JP vs NA. The NA used to complain about the low ping of JP which helped them claim those rare mobs quicker. And how JP despised NA for not following their rules. It was basically a mini-war between them for a while.

  9. Seeing these kinds of videos and the 7.1 trailer itself makes me want to try ff11, is it worth it? Or is it far too late into the game's lifespan to do so and should just settle for history videos like this?

  10. When they showed the Shadow Lord I thought the Ark Angels were the next obvious choice for a boss fight. I hope the last boss drops a glam chest like the Nier raid for Kam'Lanaut's drip.

  11. I'll never forget we were doing DM and we were actually doing pretty good and then someone infamously said in party "WE OWNIN" and then the HM used Mijin…and we all wiped..

  12. Omg I loved DM music. Fondest memories I have come from when I finally completed my Terpsichore for my DNC and tanks struggled to keep hate off of a job people underrated for DD before swapping to tank stance to tank the Hume especially 😂

  13. I just remember using cor in a party and surving the group fight somehow ×.×

    Then was told by someone in jueno they been watching me and wanted to add me to thier linkshell

    Learned some people turn games into jobs

    Said fuckit and switched from my elven to my miqoute candykisses and became obsessed with dancer and beastmaster forgetting I had a elven o.o

    In short they was a turning point in my game lol

  14. Divine Might feels like it happened just yesterday—I still get chills thinking about it! The countless hours spent preping, only to face those brutal wipes afterward, haha. But honestly, I've never been this hyped for a patch. Can't wait to dive in!

  15. their fight for the story and for your special earring gear later were brutal fights

    once blu got added they got alot easier for sure

    dancer and scholar further made their fight less of a problem but still it absolutely was one of the og status symbols and marks of progress to get them done


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