FFXIV 5.5 – Ninja Rotation 23728 DPS – E12S SSS

Back with some rotation videos.
Fixed up some of my rotation issue in an old video ~
Will make more guides for other melees when i can play actively again. Enjoy ~


5 thoughts on “FFXIV 5.5 – Ninja Rotation 23728 DPS – E12S SSS”

  1. Really insane your rotation! I really want to try the ninja, but I'm not sure if i can with my ping. You see, I have my drg at lvl80, I do a normal dps (21k usually), but I always got clip my ogcd so, viewing the ninja rotation with high skill speed and more ogcd, I'm not sure if would be a nice idea to up to lvl80 for savage.

    Sorry for my english, I know it's not the best 😅

  2. First things first, Awesome song choice. Secondly, If you find the time you could slow this right down for the opener and explain what you are doing and why then do the normal rotation once slowly explain that then speed it up for the rest of that until burst phase and slow it back down to explain that and how it differs from normal rotation and opener that would be great.


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