Where FFXIV Endwalker Monk Rework Skill Gap Might Be

With the new direction of FF14 Endwalker Monk, a lot of Monk mains and players are wondering where the Skill Expression can be in 6.0. Today I share some ideas on where the Monk rework skill gap may be going.

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| Timestamp |
00:00 Intro
00:25 Change in Monk Skill Expression
04:45 Celestial Revolution Purpose
05:26 Potential New Monk Opener

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Credited music source: https://chillhop.ffm.to/creatorcred
#ffxiv #endwalker #monk


18 thoughts on “Where FFXIV Endwalker Monk Rework Skill Gap Might Be”

  1. Thanks for getting these videos out, they're really helpful this early on! I've been planning on working with Monk more soon, as it just seems cooler than ever now. Thunderclap probably has a big part in that for me, haha (way too badass).

  2. I've noticed that when you already have both nadis and about to use perfect balance before tornado kick it doesn't matter which beast chakra you stack up, you'll get tornado kick regardless. That being said, wouldn't the most optimal perfect balance combo be bootshine> dragon kick>bootshine? Permitted leaden fist is already on, of course. I try doing that for the elixir field prep as well

  3. Perfect Balance has two stacks though. so you don't have to (and usually shouldn't) use it on cooldown. The real skill expression comes from using your PB's effectively with your other cooldowns. Using two masterful blitzes during RoF for example, while getting the right blitzes and the right abilities during those PBs.

  4. this leaves so much time with the damage buff from twin snakes down, for like what seems 3 gcds without it up. also demolish dot falls off for what also seems like 3 gcds.

    i think it would actually be something along the lines of what you had but after elixerfield you would do bootshine and then start the combo over with dragonkick twinsnakes demonlish to get the buff up and the dot back up? you could even use perfect balance with that restart to get your solar nodi

  5. MNK main here. I think Endwalker MNK will have a MASSIVE skill gap. Far larger than ShB MNK.

    Masterful Blitz is so much more brainier than positionals. Positional could eventually be trained into muscle memory. It was practically not even there once you played the job enough. You just auto'd yourself into position.

    Masterful Blitz is really extensive on skill expression though, just from general observation and reading through The Balance I found that;

    1) Since you get 2 stacks of Masterful Blitz, you can hold one stack and save it for your buff windows. So much implication from this. I actually found that, if I properly timed my PB's correctly, I was able to get 2 Masterful Blitzes into my Brotherhood + Riddle of Fire windows. Being able to execute this burst window cleanly and optimally will be the greatest divider now.

    2) As mentioned by someone else too, we still want to use Dragon Kick > Bootshine as much as possible since this is our highest potency combo. We can generally do this in two separate occasions utilising PB.

    One is building towards Elixir Field and the other is building towards Tornado Kick/Perfect Rush. Tornado/Rush don't require a specific set of beast chakra so you can spam DK > Boot and still get tons of damage.

    3) Disconnects will also punish us more too. I've had situations where I missed my Masterful Blitz because the boss jumped away, losing me an entire Nadi. This also causes problems when you're actually in PB and you can't finish your combo because the boss nopes away and the timer runs out. It's pretty bad to have it happen. Since you could lose Tornado/Rush uses or drift your blitz outside buffs. Managing disconnects will be key.

    4) Handling downtime is going to be a challenge as well. Since you can potentially overcap your PB's during the boss's intermission, you have to improvise A LOT during reopeners while keeping in mind the last two things I mentioned (potential disconnects + buff alignment).

    On top of our general rotational stuff, MNK is definitely big brained now. I honestly felt like ShB MNK was pretty simplistic. Our rotation, burst and buffs were on a static 90 seconds. There were barely any interactions with our raid team because of that. Everything stayed the same no matter what fight we were thrown into.

    Now we're pretty much a NIN + SAM + DRG love child. We have the mudra system in the form of masterful blitz, we have a big 60 second wopper attack of the SAM and DRG's life of the dragon delay strat to make use of optimal raid buffs.

    Due to some jank The Balance discord discovered, there are some strange rotations going around not intended by the developers. Disregarding that however – MNK is definitely going to be the toughest melee to master in EW imo. I like it this way but many people seem to not enjoy it. Eh, us MNK main's are never happy apparently. I hope people grow into this rework though. As complicated as I make it sound, it's really not impossible to learn and it's super rewarding to play well. We'll see what the road has to offer but goodluck my fellow Monkes! Hope you success in striking fear into your SAM's DPS!

  6. I’d like a starting 3rd stack of PB so we can get to Phantom Rush/Dragon Kick while opening buffs are still up. Having to wait 40s from opening to access the big move is too long.
    I’ve been playing SMN and now the very first thing you can do is summon Bahamut and go crazy with burst which is awesome 🐉 🔥

    Side note: I really appreciate your MNK content. One of the most underrated jobs for sure. I know you were disappointed with some changes. I was for the first few min with SMN because I thought it was too simple but after playing around with it, I’m loving it. Same with MNK which I liked the positionals but now it’s so fast and with constant PB it’s a different kind of busy. I’d say for any jobs changes suspend judgement for the first few days to adapt to the new because at first it will not feel natural (I.e. not as good as before) but after bringing it to a range of content, it will and you will see it differently than day 1.

  7. i personally really dislike how perfect balance works right now. ur saying that we can do 3 into 4 5 but you would have already done it even without perfect balance as its how your rotation is.

    i personally want to do dragon kick into bootshine every time i pop perfect balance but it literally punishes you from doing it too much. you do it once then you have to sort back into the normal 123 rotation with ur next perfect balance for the white circle (grouping them based on the mark they give… so for exmp i will regard both bootshine and dragon kick as “1”)

    and you would have done 123 without perfect balance regardless. which feels like ur kinda wasting perfect balance imo.

    i mean you can also do 112 (dragon kick > bootshine > snap punch etc.) but then the finisher you get is just a worse version of the other 2 anyways.

    imo they should just feed the masterfull blitz system into our base rotation and take it away from perfect balance….

    -4 positionals -3 ogcd for +1 gcd thats on a 40 second cooldown..

  8. LETS GO!!!!

    I was so confused, like a lot of other OG monks wondered, why Sq-Enix decided to take out 4 positionals. So I watched the official monk overview again from their LL 66. The thing that stuck out to me was that they thought it would be a little too chaotic because now we have to worry about the Master's Gauge. In what we all know now, I can see that. I think that's where we going now. Since PB now allows us to free-form, it's up to the player to figure that out and all the rest of it (how it flows together smoothly, how to optimize the damage output and such). With monks not having to worry about that, maybe they thought it may have been a good idea.

    At this point however, we can't do much about it, PB is here with the Master's Gauge and we all figuring it right now. This is something new for me to play around with monk and to have more fun with at the same time.

    Thanks for the video.

  9. A few things. First off, if you start with Dragon Kick, you never want to dragon kick on your first PB, because you already have Leaden Fist. Second, you never use perfect balance after masterful blitz before using your formless fist on an opo GCD. In this video, you use elixir field and immediately hit perfect balance again. This is wrong. Make sure you use the formless fist buff to get in a DK or BS between Blitz and reactivating PB.

    Right now, our optimal opener is actually to use Rising Phoenix/flint strike twice during the opener, and overcap the solar nadi. This may seem counter intuitive, but with pre-pull PB now gone, this is the only way to force Phantom Rush to align with 2 minute buffs. It's complicated, but depending on fight length it's a big DPS increase most of the time, and it comes close to breaking even the rest of the time.

    So the opener looks something like this:

    Formless Fist Pre-pull>(Pre-pull Pot or True North)>🟦Dragon Kick>(Perfect Balance)>🟢Twin Snakes>(Riddle of Fire)>🟠Demolish>(Forbidden Chakra)>🟣Bootshine>(Brotherhood)>Rising Phoenix>(Riddle of Wind)>🟦Dragon Kick>(Perfect Balance)>🟣Bootshine>🟠Snap Punch>🟢Twin Snakes>Rising Phoenix>🟦Dragon Kick>True Strike>Demolish

    The blue squares are formless fist abilities. The colored circles are abilities generation beast chakra. With a 1.93 recast timer, the last demolish will snapshot under Riddle of Fire and Brotherhood.

    From there, you continue the rotation as normal until 60 seconds, when you will activate PB and RoF again, and perform Elixir Field using three opo-opo moves. Then at 120 seconds, you do a reopener that uses Phantom Rush and Rising Phoenix, and from there it loops.

    Note that things don't line up perfectly now, and you'll often have to decide to reapply twin snakes and/or demolish early, particularly prior to or during the reopeners as you need a minimum of 8 GCDs to do two perfect balance combos, and 9 GCDs is optimal (using formless fist in between as I mentioned earlier). That's 18 seconds so twin snakes will run out if you don't reapply it mid combo, even if it was the last GCD you pressed. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons that the double Phoenix opener is so good, as Rising Phoenix is the more flexible of the two Blitzes and allows you to reapply both your twin and demo. Elixir Field should always be generated using 3 opo-opo GCDs, either BS>DK>BS or DK>BS>DK, obviously depending on if you already had LF. Phantom Rush should also generally use 3 opo GCDs, but since you can use anything you have some flexibility if you need it. You should always do at least 2 opo GCDs for Phantom Rush though.

    The optimization of monk comes in these intense 60 second windows now, where you need to shift gears and think about upcoming buff timings to ensure nothing falls out of whack while you perform PB/MB.

    Always remember not to waste the formless fist buff that comes after MB! And don't use it on anything besides DK/BS, even if Twin/Demo is about to fall off. Remeber that to access DK/BS with the opo-opo bonus requires 3 whole GCDs. Accessing Demolish only requires 2 GCDs, and Twin Snakes only requires 1. You're losing big value if you don't DK/BS after a Blitz.

    I hope this helps!

  10. I wish on 6.1 they retool Anatman to at the very least reset/regain PB charges rather than whatever it's doing (or not doing) now OR just give a completely new ability that will reset/regain the PB charges, that way we can string our way into triple masterful blitz without waiting for the long cd to get PB back.

  11. jesus christ just give us the six sided star as a combo for each masterful blitz or something. wait wait i know. for a full rotation of each fom, you get a stack of six sided star as a offcd with a maximun of 2. is a shame, such a cool looking animation that you never ever see


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