When People Forget To Have Fun In FFXIV Island Sanctuary…

Quazii discusses complaints about time gating and optimization related to FF14 Island Sanctuary.

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43 thoughts on “When People Forget To Have Fun In FFXIV Island Sanctuary…”

  1. idk you must have mental illness to min/max chill content. play how you want but dont get mad if people shit on you for doing something that isnt meant to be done in the way you want it. just like people who complain about min/maxers, let em be, play it slow, why do you give a shit? also in regards to "who are we" comment, we're video game players, we're degenerates who think something is better than others because we play it, expecting people to be anything less/more is pretty weird coming from a content creator as well, you know how people are lol

  2. There is indeed a fine line between optimizing because you love it and also flogging the grind unnecessarily beyond what the game intended. Most games like Island Sanctuary (AC:NH, Rune Factor 4, Stardew Valley, etc), I've played. I sunk hundreds of hours into RF4 particularly. However, I watched my friends and family play Animal Crossing: New Horizons during Covid. For some, it was their first time playing it. They went full ham–spent hours and hours on it, abused time travel, and whooshed through the content. The end result? Discontent. "Is this it? What do I do?" Many of them began to realize that while they had reached "endgame" and had nothing to do beyond maintenance, I was still enjoying my "slow" gameplay. I did end up leaving AC:NH because there wasn't any combat gameplay, but I recognized that the small incremental changes had become meaningless for many because they had min-maxed the fun out of everything and essentially 'cheated the system'. Most of them ended up wiping their data and starting fresh recently.

    When IS arrived, I knew this would happen too, despite the time-gating. After Level 10, after people getting all the prizes etc, there'll be a "what now? is this it?" After all, while IS is robust for a mini-game within a game, it is by no means comparable to the complexity of RF4 or SV. It is also, as far as I know, incomplete and will be updated in the future. Additions to IS will also take time since it won't be updated every patch either. Yoshi-P has repeatedly tried to tell us that MMOs do not equal grindfests, while giving us some grinding options (I even did the Bozja grind for a ShB relic), but even so, he did give us some options for grinding and you can achieve a limited grind on IS… but in order for IS to provide a long-term, non-timegated grind, it'd have to be way more robust in terms of assets and rewards. I have some ideas on that, but we'll see what the team does.

    Keeping all of this in mind, I have decided to go at it slowly. Even "slowly", I'm still further than I expected to be. I have steered away from guides (even the guides you made, Quazii, sorry!) because I want to learn it all on my own. And until my island reached 6, I didn't visit friends' islands either. I haven't min-maxed anything, but I can see the lure whenever I open up my tasks management box. Still, I feel like people have forgotten already what IS is about, what Yoshi-P has stated over and over on the design philosophy behind the island. This section of the game isn't poorly designed or structured necessarily, It is made with a very casual philosophy in mind. In fact, I think this philosophy runs throughout FFXIV as a whole…? Complaining on time-gating is on par here to WoW players complaining about "the lack of (raiding) content" in FFXIV's endgame simply because FFXIV doesn't have a pitiless gear grind and punishing boss runs with 'run back to your body' mechanics.

  3. I’m with Yoshi P on this one. Not all content is ideal to min/max. I just wish he made instanced housing instead of Island Sanctuaries altogether. Cant place furniture, so I’m going to get bored with this in a few weeks.

  4. The cowries I think need to be fixed. Because a lot of people just aren't going to go back if they aren't being rewarded or making very little progress on a reward and greens just aren't worth getting right now. I just think cowries need to be condensed to a single cowry. It still takes time, but you can make a bit more progress when you want to.

  5. I'm VERY chill with this content.

    It's crazy how there are players who go crazy on the first 2 days and ruin the actually reason of Island Sanctuary for themselves.

    But…it's their faults and will think about, "This game is dead, nothing else to do Island Sanctuary, waawaawaa!!"

  6. Lol yeah I have seen people lose their mind because their workshop not ready until 4am but what they dont get is that the island is FREE you dont have to a gil for it and you log out log in and your still in it, sure suck you cant put stuff you can use on house,apartment or those those FC rooms where you have to ass kiss to a official that think they are gods or goddess or a non binary supreme overlord that can kick you out whenever your not in good terms or do not agree on something, so cant complain on something that is free you pay with shelf and you can be yourself sure lot of work but that's basic farming 101 lol

  7. To me, Island Sanctuary is like a good stew; You can always prepare the ingredients, chop them up, and throw them into the pot as fast as you can manage, but it's not like you can turn the fire to max to make it finish faster, you're just gonna be disappointed by the results.

  8. Unrelated yet still relevant: I'm really getting sick of Quasii's bias in his reporting of game news. All this talk about Final Fantasy Ex One Vee, and we haven't had an update on World of Fruitbowls in MONTHS. They just released Geographically Seperated Retirement Homes, and Quasii hasn't said anything about it! WTF MAN!

  9. I understand this itch for instant gratification, but there are a lot of things in life you just can't force.
    Are you in a rush to get to work, so you speed up only to find yourself stuck in traffic or crashing your vehicle?
    Step back, relax and gain a new perspective.

  10. I haven't really touched Island Sanctuary because I actually really like farming games to the point that I buy full priced releases all the time. I'm not like Quazii or other people who looked at IS nostalgically who played Back To Nature 20 years ago, I own BTN on PSX and GBA, I've played every Rune Factory game, including 5 which I bought at full price this year and I'm going to buy Harvestella in a few months. This isn't a flex or a knock against Island Sanctuary, only pointing out that there are far more in depth games you can play and if you really want to min-max and "main" Island Sanctuary, why not main a full priced Story of Seasons game instead? Just go and buy Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, you'll be a lot happier and there will be no timegating and there will be hundreds of times more content for you to consume.

  11. I'm not against it, or with it but I wish it was more like Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2 for Ps2. There you could rotate, and place buildings make ponds and customize a lot. It's just lazy content for someone to be a factory worker/ It's just not my thing. At least they tried.

  12. XIV team did not do a great job designing, just by comparing.
    Look at other good farm/business simulation games, it's easy to get 100+ hours of playtime and still no stop because they are fun to play. ppl won't complain there is nothing to do even they do the same things every day in the game. (Plus, cooperating with other players is much more interesting)
    And, if you look at other games having a play style like Island Sanctuary with bad design, you will also find people complaining. There are people who care about efficiency and enough content that can make them play for 100 hours and more, there is nothing wrong with that.
    People who judge others' play styles possibly never played real good games.

    And Island Sanctuary interaction sucks, as always.

  13. I just log in to get the new tombstones and then do a little party finder Dancing Plague and log out. I usually end up being too tired to even try starting the new MSQ and island stuff. People really need to calm down and take things easy

  14. honestly it's really weird how people are complaining about it… I've started my island days after the patch came out and I've been taking it really chill, just doing it only when I'm having fun, and I ranked up so fast it was a bit surprising. For example, just 2 days ago I reached rank 6 and then immediately things started getting ready and I was already at 7 before I could think of it. I haven't min maxed anything. Just plant varied crops, try to have a healthy amount of each item in case I don't have time to gather one day, I can still keep the island running, and make sure to set up the workshop agenda for next day, trying to have a bit of efficiency bonus. I'll reach rank 10 eventually, as it's inevitable, and I won't be burned out by then 🙂

  15. That's what gaming is, forget the hardcore/casual stuff already, we are all gamers afterall. Tryharding can be in every content, go ask in Gold Causer, the true tryhards.

  16. As I've posted in another video, there is nothing at all wrong with min maxing Island Sanctuary and "finishing it" as soon as you possibly can. There's nothing wrong with spreadsheeting it into a perfectly optimized machine.
    The problem is when you do that but then complain about how there just isn't enough to do in IS or that it doesn't take long enough to do/see everything. I worry that the devs will feel obligated to appease these people by making things even more grindy or putting even more time gates into the next updates. The min-max spreadsheet grinders will never be happy and these sorts of changes ill just make the experience worse for everyone who doesn't want to play that way.

  17. I'm glad someone made a video regarding this. I've seen so many people grinding to rank 10 within just the first few days and then complaining about timegating for the facilities. I've going at IS pretty hard, but not in that way. I've been chilling on my island a lot, just changing out animals and trying to catch rares, chatting with friends, waiting in queue, etc. I gathered a lot the first day and built up a big supply of materials, so then I didn't really have to gather at all since then. I've just been getting exp from expansions and upgrades, and while watching this video I finally reached rank 10! ^-^ I actually finished expanding and building on my island before hitting rank 10. Happy to say that none of the exp from upgrading was wasted. lol I was only a bit short from my final upgrade, so I went and gathered some hemp to finish it off. Feels great! ^-^

  18. Wasn't trying very hard , i just really love gathering and crafting, so took me less then a week to get to Rank 10 and find all items, longest part was getting all Rare Monsters 🙂
    Would love to see more content for this and rank going higher would be great too ^^

  19. 100% agree, it's not required for anything, so complaining about timegating is kind of inappropriate, because clearly part of the experience is to make it feel like a longer process, a journey, not an instant boom.

  20. I feel like I suffer from both sides of this. I went through it on my main with no help, picking up on how things work as I go. Now I'm working on optimizing my pasture and farmland and workshop, but I would have hated to just look up what other people have figured out. Doing it myself was all of the fun for me. However, I did absolutely have a few moments where I got impatient. Not because I felt like I wanted to advance super quickly, but because I felt like there was nothing I could do, and I like doing.

  21. I was looking at the complexity of bothering to min/max the workshops. I probably would have done that if I were younger, but fuck that now. There is the urge to overly optimize but… no, just fucking no lol. I waste so many hours doing that in general, be it in this game, in FFXI (especially FFXI), and other things. I hate it so much when I think back on how wasted my days are when doing that. The fact that the way this content works is in relation to you, rather than others, it's perfect to work on taking that step back.

    The rares are one thing, but it's just a one off for most people. I'm sad that I was there when the Alligator showed up, but don't have access to large creatures yet, but I'll have more opportunities later. Only Rank/level 7 right now for the island and given how much exp is needed to reach 8, it'll probably be a while.

    I do however love how uninvolved a lot of the content is. Even the creatures are quick to get to happier moods, which makes getting rid of them so much less stressful to make the decision to release them if you ever feel a need to mass produce certain mats.

  22. I don't know why people even care how someone else is enjoying the game, let them do what they wanna do if its not effecting anyone else. Everyone enjoys doing different things using different methods.

  23. Not that I had any intention of grinding Island Sanctuary, but I didn't have time to last week.
    I was too busy needing to get to the top of the Moonfire Faire tower.

  24. Some folks out there just can't help but MinMax compulsively…its just who they are.

    These folks, I feel rather sorry for when it comes to casual content like this – its not intended to be played that way, so it only stands to reason that those who go all in every time will find themselves coming unstuck once they reach the timegates, lol

  25. There's 0 reason to time gate this content, or any for that matter. You should be able to get what you want when you want where the only limiting factor is you. If you want to blaze through content and min max asap, that's up to you and visa versa. Time gating content is the mechanic they use to keep you playing every week for that sub. It's ironic since Yoshi P said that it's ok if you go play other games and such. This is suppose to be casual content, content you can do as you please.

  26. I'm loving my Island – about to check on it now. I checked out your guide on it and had to laugh because I made some of the mistakes mentioned. (I bought the chocobo barding. I had an idea at the time I probably shouldn't but —)

    I always have the "messy" character when I play a game. That is the one I dive into the game with head first, knowing absolutely nothing about anything. So, I learn as I go. I might get tips from friends or get stuck and ask for advice, but I am far from optimal. My main in the game is my "Messy" character.

    Secondary characters tend to be more focused. I am not going to spend another thousand + hours with them, so they serve some role or purpose my main lacks. Maybe I want them to fly through the MSQ. I did something like that with Stardew Valley. My "main" did everything, my other characters are all that – characters. Chrono from Chrono Trigger, Mettaton from Undertale, Link from the Legend of Zelda. Knowing the game as I do now, I have very specific ways I play them all. Mettaton is after attention and supports the Jojamart and seeking to automate my farm as much as possible, while Link accepts any and all help wanted requests and I spend more time in the dungeons with him, etc.

    Ok, back to the point: I'm a middle grounder. I go in, play on my island, and learn as I go. I don't have any spread sheets before me. I may ask about it if there's some rare I must have, but otherwise I'm perfectly content to chill on the island while waiting for a queue to pop, but there are soooo many things I could do in game. There is more Triple Triad I've yet to earn. Dungeon gear to loot. The Island will be waiting for me when I get back. (Seriously, Tataru,why Capitalism is my weakness!)

  27. I went full grind early so future visits would be more relaxing without anything pressing hanging over me while being there. Kind of like playing PvP before rank 25, vs after rank 25.

  28. I'm rank 10, have all buildings at max level and the lighthouse but I still don't agree with the time gate shit. I enjoyed my grind, but I feel like I could've enjoyed it a lot more if their were more ways of gaining EXP other than the currant capture/farming and gathering/crafting/export options. If anything, I hope their expanded upon and have more ways of getting island EXP in a faster way. The 10exp per gatherable is shitty. I didn't even optimize.


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