What you should NOT do in FFXIV

In this video i want to talk about stuff you should avoid doing in FFXIV so that the community stays as healthy as it is and so that you dont get on someones bad side!


#finalfantasy #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv


7 thoughts on “What you should NOT do in FFXIV”

  1. Number 2 and 4 – the 'blacklist' button is available, if you are tired of certain people/ads. Also, I'm sure most of the MMO players know that number 4 is a scam. In every MMO there are bots that claim to sell you gil with a discount, hopefully people don't fall for it. And also, you don't really need gil in FF14 all that much, unless you want to have a chance at a house.

  2. when it comes to new players, I let them experience it on their won unless they specifically ask. me included, I like going into stuff blind and not be told right away. Ill only hint at stuff after 2 wipes happened because sometimes people are slower to catch onto mechanics which is perfectly fine and 2 tries is a solid amount


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