What Makes Final Fantasy XIV so Special ?

Today I’ll be trying to explain what makes Final Fantasy XIV so special, as you can imagine I’m pretty hyped for the upcoming Endwalker expansion and I know a lot of people are still hesitant as to whether or not the game is worth their time, hopefully this gives you more context as to whether this is a game for you or not.

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#FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #Endwalker

0:00 – Intro
2:18 – Community
5:53 – Visuals, Art, Animation
7:03 – Gameplay & Combat
8:30 – Story
11:05 – Raids
13:44 – Music & Sound
16:53 – Class Balance
20:13 – Unique Gameplay Experiences
28:02 – Open Communication
29:39 – Content Doesn’t Expire
31:58 – Respects Your Time
37:00 – Controller Support
37:37 – Customizable UI
38:23 – Not scared of Booba
39:21 – Player Housing
39:55 – Complete Experience
41:01 – Free Trial


33 thoughts on “What Makes Final Fantasy XIV so Special ?”

  1. I already watched this video when it was on your main channel, so here is a comment to boost the algorythm 😀
    Good video, I think you made a nice summary (even tho I don't agree with you with the dps is the hardest part 🤣)

  2. Loved your video. I share the same thought as yours but I can briefly go back further to the origin of our community behavior. Back during launch of 1.0, it wasn't all too uncommon for FF11 Online veterans to migrate into the game. Much like Brian from Work to Game channel. I was among that first wave and I was a veteran of FF11 Online for 7 years at that point. Many who has stick around were the FF11 veterans. Much of the clunky system of FF14 1.0 were an extension of FF11 so many of us were able to tolerate them and stuck around. Even then, our community was tight knit. Most of our behaviors were learned in FF11 Online. Back in the old days of FF11 Online around 2002~2006, the NA people shared server with JPN. As you may have guessed, it was touch and go with both communities. But eventually, most of us came to terms and learned from each other. NA learned to be more courteous and JPN learned to be more forgiving. Skip forward many years and here we are. The community started by vets continued this trend of behaviors and also evolved over the years. But I'd say we turned out okay still.

  3. When I started playing last year (when I was playing classic WoW as well), the first conscious thing I made sure I did as I was learning this game was NOT to compare every minute detail to World of Warcraft and that this was a TOTALY DIFFERENT GAME. Going in with that mindset and seeing how alive the world was made me see and understand the beauty of FF14. Not to mention the music and graphics. I still remember the awe I was in and how many times I kept stopping to look at my surroundings when I first got to Gridania. Sometimes when I’m in a ARR zone, I find myself stopping and rotating the camera angle around to check out the backdrop. Oh! and did I mention the A+ soundtrack??? I mean the zone songs to I’ll Mheg and Lakeland and countless others….man man man.

  4. Honestly ff 14 is one of if not the best fantasy games I've experienced, it's well worth a sub and even more worth just for the free trial alone. I'm so happy to be part of the community and look forward to the endwalker.

  5. Rurikhan reacting to asmongolds World of Warcraft videos got me into watching asmongold, then I got into watching asmongolds FFXIV videos, watching asmon play FFXIV really made me want to try it, I’ve been addicted to the game since the beginning of september, playing it everyday, currently at lvl 67 stormblood msq.

  6. 11:45 thats actually the symbol for those watching cutscene. Generally we turn off the cutscene already watched to speed up some farms/roulettes, but I personaly leave all the CS on just so I can watch it whit those first timers

  7. I was forced to RDM on Extreme Suzaku yesterday (I main SCH) and I had no clue what an optimal rotation is for RDM. So I made the fight harder by not having enough DPS to meet the DPS check. Thankfully I'm playing SCH on her tomorrow.

  8. Awesome summary, i couldn't agree more with what you said. I've been playing XIV ever since ARR and over the years it's become one my favorite games of all time. It does so many things so very right that the few gripes i have with it aren't even worth mentioning.

  9. For those who don't want to watch the full 43 minutes, what he's saying is this:

    Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with an EXPANDED FREE TRIAL? Which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward Expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime.

  10. I joined a few ff14 private group and they really know how not to talk any spoiler and encourage people to keep progress the story to know further more about the story. Love the communities and love this channel.

  11. The thing that sold me is that my character isn't just adventure number 5896732. They talk to them like they matter in the world. You ARE The Warrior of Light and the npc's treat you like it. You really feel like you've done something to affect the world you're playing in. It's a breath of fresh air compared to other MMO's where the story just happens and you get to watch. In FF 14 the story happens with your character, and you, the player, are actually a part of it.

  12. 12:10 It's hilarious, essentially because its part of the whole structure of the game the whole population of the game are trained to raid and do dungeons, so as you say, even when you get people who are doing a raid for the first time, they understand how to play.

  13. You're absolutely right, man. I remember my first time running The Aurum Vale as a tank. Everyone prepared me that it might be really toght but prevented spoilers. And I failed on the stacking mechanics twice. Then one of our group members told me how to do it. He did not mansplained it, he did not complain about my lack of knowledge. He just wanted to help me to overcome that boss and we did. I love the FFXIV community. <3

  14. I played FF14 a total of three times in my life and quit within like four days the first two times. It wasn't for me, I hated the pacing, I couldn't care less about the Scions, I hated the combat, I couldn't stand the whole Anime-like story with the over-the-top parts, etc.

    It wasn't until one random summer during uni where I was so bored out of my mind that I decided to give this game a third chance. Thanks to that, I have discovered what is now my favorite MMORPG of all time. There are still many, MANY, MAAANY things I can't stand in the game. Most of which are things almost everyone unanimously love, but I can't stand. I won't bring them up because I know how the community can be. Relentlessly defensive to a fault. Yet, despite all of those shortcomings, this game has found its way into my heart for the last 6 years and is now something I cherish with all my heart and, like someone wise once said: You either quit during ARR or live long enough to see yourself become a walking ad for FF14.

    So yeah, if you haven't started playing yet, haaaaaaaaaaaaave you heard of the critically acclaimed-

  15. You either quit before AAR or you become a walking advertisement for 14…..
    Tbh, if I had to only name one. Community.
    I came back to WoW in BFA. I did M+ from 8.2-9.1. I tried with the community. But it was very big miss. I don't know what happened.
    I came over here to 14. Mostly everyone's been wonderful. You get the oddball from time to time. I'm progging ultimates and people are patient with me(got and understand up to nails in UWU as a healer and can deal with the first searing wind under 10 hours). I'd have to agree dps is probably harder than whm. I've seen too many people clip 1shots trying to keep up rotations.
    Speaking of FF14's raids. They are effing epic. You feel like your going up against godlike beings from AAR and on. The transitions are just awesome. I get how it's probably grating on your 100th clear but cmon they could just transition into a new phase and it could be lame and quick.

    The story is one of the best I've been able to witness. I cannot tell you how much this game has just left me either like "noooooooooo" and "awwwww". I did Zloe quest line just because I wanted to help little orphans…
    (Shiva's fight is the first song don't know the name but I ride the mount all the time n love it) The music is f'ing fantastic. It has the ability to set the mood perfectly with the story. I know half the time somethings going to happen based on the music.
    Game is great for so many reasons.


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