Final Fantasy 14 – A Realm Reborn – The Whorleater (Extreme) – Trial Guide
#ff14 #FF14 #ffxiv #FFXIV #arr #ARR #arealmreborn #leviathan #leviathanextreme #whorleater
Final Fantasy 14 – A Realm Reborn – The Whorleater (Extreme) – Trial Guide
#ff14 #FF14 #ffxiv #FFXIV #arr #ARR #arealmreborn #leviathan #leviathanextreme #whorleater
Just in time thank you. 🙂
Danger Noodle…EXTREEEEEME!
I never knew if i should attack head or tail… Now I do.
Perfect timing! Was waiting for you to do a guide for it instead of watching others
Another great guide! This boss is really fun. Queued up with my friends who wanted me to do this blind… sure enough I fell off the platform and was the laughing stock for the night. 😛
Great guide, thank you!
Are you going to do any raid guides? Just finished Crystal tower Srycus raid and i had no idea what i was doing and got a ignore target marker on my head🤦🏾 that hurt lol need your guidance
you are a saint. ty 😀