"What a mess!" | WoW Veteran reacts to NoClip FFXIV Documentary (Part 1)

Check out @NoclipDocs ‘s Video Game Documentaries:
FFXIV Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs0yQKI7Yw4
FFXIV Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoOI5R-6u8k
FFXIV Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONT6fxiu9cw

I reacted to FINAL FANTASY XIV (FFXIV) Documentary by Noclip, telling you about the brutal failure of FFXIV 1.0, how an MMO got reset while having an active playerbase & how Final Fantasy 14 eventually succeeded becoming one of the most popular MMORPGs.

I’ve started my first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV over on Twitch. I hope some of you will join me on this adventure!

Will be streamed LIVE at: https://www.twitch.tv/justruss
VODs will be uploaded here: https://www.youtube.com/@justrussvods

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12 thoughts on “"What a mess!" | WoW Veteran reacts to NoClip FFXIV Documentary (Part 1)”

  1. BTW, I recommend you watch/react to the "Fall and Rise of FF14" series by Speaker's Network as well. Both documentary series are excellent and both cover the same overall story, but each also has details and specifics not covered in the other. (F&R has more about specific game mechanics, subsystems, and patches, for example, while this has more direct discussions with the people involved and thus more of an 'insider' vs. 'player' perspective.)

  2. Fun fact about Yoshida: several years ago when Capcom and Arika where testing on site the arcade version of Street Fighter EX, they asked people there to try the game out and fight the devs too. Yoshida took Zangief and wreaked everyone there, achieving a 57 consecutive winning streak! Arika's devs then decided to nerf Zangief due to this. Yoshida really is a gigachad!

  3. No, the whole notion that it was named final fantasy bc it was a last ditch effort to save the company is just an old wives tale.
    The ACTUAL reason behind the name was they wanted to call it Fighting Fantasy but the name was already taken in North America. They wanted to keep the FF abbreviation bc they already started art work with it for the game but also name it something that could be pronounced by both Weatern AND Eastern players alike so they went with Final Fantasy.
    The narrator in the video eludes to it right after u unpaused it but u were talking to chat and I think u missed that part 👍

  4. Just came back from a third trip to Japan. My goal is to go there once a year if possible(pandemic go brrrrr). I really recommend it but do your research. Plus if you do make it a thing, it would be a good opportunity for content for your stream if you get to react to Japan related yt videos or posts and interact with chat in regards to traveling, japan, cultures, etc. Also i just took a gummy🫠


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