Welcome to Eorzea
Parody of “Welcome to the Internet” by Bo Burnham”
What CAN you do in FF14? Well…
Lyrics by – Best_Wife_Plam
Performed by – Best_Wife_Plam
Edited by – Switch2501
Sound Mixed By – DDM STUDIOS L.L.C
Additional Graphics – CDBarnezy
You can check out Best Wife Plam on her Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/best_wife_plam
Be sure to check out Switch2501 on his Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/switch2501
A Huge thank you to:
Meoni – https://www.youtube.com/@Meoni1 – For letting me use some of their footage
@Nalia_FFXIV of Twitter – For the Screenshots of Raubahn Ex
Chillie from MooglegoroundRadio – https://www.twitch.tv/mooglegoroundradio for the shots from Pride
And as always, We couldn’t put these videos together without the help of our awesome community!:
Ashley_Wac, Nyaesa, Lolo (CDBarnezy), S’achi, Fuoco, Xytrixz, Phantom & Cypherhobby
And the Blu Static:
Eve, Yayadon, Candy, F’lhinna, Long, Nesolagus
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
© SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
I see what you did there @1:03 putting in Viera and Hrothgar to a line about hats
This was AWESOME. Possibly your best one yet. Amazing job, the both of you. <3
This turned out great!
Brilliance. Pure and simple. Just when I thought you are very good at your craft you come and blow me away with this masterpiece? How dare you! Keep doing this good work of bringing a bit of happiness to the world once a month!
I wish I had the guts to get started on the hentai plant T°T
god damn it you made me feel feelings
Can get more song about lalafell?
Love this! What a great FF14 cover! This is great!
Oh my goodness this was fantastic. The lyrics, the voice, the video.. So great! Thank you so much for this :))
This is great, definitly gonna steal the lyrics for our next discord-karaoke
Also Minfilia beeing an alcoholic after all the shit she went through is very relatable
Amazing work!!!
Absolutely fantastic!
This actually made my cry.
This game has touched me on such a deep level in all aspects (damn you MSQ
) – that with the recount of it… It just makes me happy – so honored, to be a part of it and its community. I love this so much.
Thank you WoLs, thank you Eorzeans for brightening my world. I'm so proud to be a WoL with all of you. May mother Hydaelyn watch over us all.
This is genuinely perfect
Welp… thats gonna be stuck in my head 5ever
Oh by the twelve that's CATCHY AS F- I love it. gimme more.
1:28 I feel personally attacked.
I'd never stand in AOE without popping manaward
This was great.
Very funny. well made.
The waiting in queues lyrics were phenomenal
I'd recognise those Dragon Nest chests anywhere
Great parody! Been a fan of Bo for a while now!
I would love to see a parody on Lana Del Rey – Summertime Sadness
YouTube was VERY insisting and kept recommending this to me as the first video on my homepage and under almost every unrelated other video I watched, so I eventually gave in.
I was not disappointed.
For once YouTube actually suggested a masterpiece!
Amazing work!
And because I'm playing on Balmung I kind of am legally bound to say, that you did not tell any lies <_<;
Great video!
This… was absolutely fabulous! Just… Marvelous work! I just… Damn…I am so happy XD And the Queue!! Raubahn EX!!
Brilliant. The original song is one of my favourites and having FF version of it just made my day!
Very well done. Also the only version on this song that's warmed my heart instead of making me feel existential dread. BRAVO

this is beautiful- lowkey tearing up at the slow bit. great job
I am happy that you covered the whole song and not only the memey part
This is on my favorites
Love this dude
I really like the lyrics, but somebody else should cover this TBH…
Incredible job! Keep it up you both! ^^
You worked your ass off for this video and it shows and I LOVE IT! Makes me a proud player of Final Fantasy-
All of the time~
Too much effort went into this, absolutely amazing
I love being a part of your video's, soon my Au'ra will be known as that "degen who is always naked in Plam & Switch's video's" xD Your editing is amazing and Plam's voice is wonderful and I can't wait to be involved in more! :3
Every. Single. Time. You two consistently manage to blow my mind with how amazing these come out constantly. The attention to detail is as ever amazing, the little jokes scattered subtly around, the lyrics, the filters, the editing, its all so brilliant
As someone who joined an only femroe discord this song feels accurate. 50% of the time is spent being unreasonably horny.
That lyrical turn on 1:26 is just chef's kiss
This is genuinely amazing and I hope it gets more attention! I’m sure it took a ton of work, well done
It's crazy how two days ago I was considering returning to FFXIV and I find this video today