Was FFXIV 1.0 Really SO BAD? | React to NoClip #1

Quazii reaction to “FINAL FANTASY XIV Documentary Part #1 – One Point O” a FF14 documentary by Noclip.

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OG Video: https://youtu.be/Xs0yQKI7Yw4


30 thoughts on “Was FFXIV 1.0 Really SO BAD? | React to NoClip #1”

  1. Having played the FFXI beta and FFXIV beta the concern was real. XI beta was cool cause Sony sent us a prototype hard drive for our PS2. The network adapter had the IDE interface the drives connects to. After the beta ended, we had to ship back the original drive. Sony determined the beta so sucessful that all participants got a free copy of XI which included the retail hard drive. If I remember right it cost $100 back in 2003. I played on PC though when that version releaed and my bro played on the PS2. It was pretty hardcore even back then. The important thing was even the beta worked though, FFXIV was immediate how bad it was. I stopped playing a month or so after released and jumped back in a day here and there.

  2. FFXI is far far away as complex can be an MMO compared to FFXIV. It is born to be a real MMO and dont have back in the day any solo concept. All was around socialize get a party and grind everything from level to loot who whas really different to the loot you have now on FFXIV( some elite mob here drop some of the best gear and whas really really hard to get those loot) I can say as one who have enjoyed FFXI i miss a lot all of that. One example of FFXI is a crafter not only have to get the material, but all the crafting here worked around day, month and season. For the first version of FFXIV yes whas quite a bit of disaster but for the complexity, oh my good whas a masterpiece. I have tryed it when whas on closed beta and it whas totally different( whyt a shitty modem to download it took me a day xD ) from what ARR and far is now. But i can say for sure team Yoshida do something really amazing to turn a disaster to a gold mine. I can say try FFXI now is not as whas at the beginning cause of trust on there to is not a full MMO. But you can get an idea of difference the two tipe of game are and maybe enjoy it 🙂

  3. In FF11 'check' was a way to gauge a mob's strength. You had results such as 'Easy Prey,' 'Even Match,' 'Tough,' 'Very Tough,' 'Incredibly Tough,' and 'Impossible to Gauge (Notorious Monsters/NMs).'

    Check can be used on your fellow players. You get to see what gear they have on, their title, and what job/subjob they're using at that point in time unless they used the /anon command. If /anon is used, you can't see their current job/subjob.

    Also, FF11 didn't have jump. If you started from 11 and came to 14, it was like.. shrug.

  4. Yes Hildibrand was a 1.0 character and throughout 2.0 it’s hinted that Hildibrand died during the Calamity and then when you start the Hildibrand quest line it starts with Nashu crying at Hildibrand’s grave.

  5. I don't think there's really a way to go back to FF11 as it was back in the day. It's changed significantly and it's possible to solo the majority of the game now. I'm guessing when they finally shut down the servers, they'll convert it to a single player game. The grind from what I hear isn't nearly as bad.

    Back in the day (when 75 was the level cap) the primary activity you did was grinding together to level up. That was your primary game play activity outside of end-game. Soloing for most jobs was pretty much impossible past level 10-15 or so, and if you're a DPS it took at least an hour during peak time to put together a party, then 15-30 min to actually get to the place where you'd farm for exp, and the overworld was dangerous so someone would inevitably die getting to the camp and need a raise (which would reduce the exp loss so you almost never wanted to go back without one). 3 hours was pretty much the minimum amount of time you'd need if you wanted to join/start a leveling party. It was common etiquette to find a replacement for yourself when leaving the party unless the group decides to disband.

    You did have a lot more time to chat though, because 30 seconds was probably the shortest cooldown in the game. You had 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 60 min cooldowns and every job had a 2-hr ability that was on a 2-hr cooldown, so it was a bit more of a social game because you actually had time to chat while fighting.

  6. I had a pre-purchase of FFXIV 1.0 and the beta was so absolutely terrible I cancelled it. ultimately I kinda wish I didn't despite how terrible it was but it was just a giant no thank you.

    I noticed multiple times in the video you reacted to FFXI stuff as though it was FFXIV 1.0 stuff. (example the menu showing elvaan/hume/tarutaru/mithra/galka and the multiple times they showed FFXI opening cutscene). mentioning it incase you were unaware.

  7. Lol toxic community? I wish you could have been in Garlaige Citadel or Crawlers Nest, guarantee argument in shout on the daily.

    Some of the the fan forums had entire sections dedicated to flame wars. Where the abuse was standard and being kind was a bannable offense.

    Current community is like puffed up giant bags of cotton candy with a really salty centre piece you have to chew on before you get to the juicy sweetness.

  8. Launch version of 1.0 was one of the worst games I’ve ever played! But patched version was actually coming together quite good, but still UI was horrible among other things.

  9. Yoshi said before in an interview that he would love to make an MMO starting from scratch this time so it is very plausible that we may get a brand new Final Fantasy MMORPG when the team are done doing expansions to 14

  10. As someone who has played since the very beginning, I will freely admit that the story of Heavensward and beyond is by far superior to 1.0 BUT the open world feel, the sense of wonder and discovery and the more in depth combat and multi leveling systems were by far superior in 1.0 in regards to being ffxi's successor and not wow's.

  11. Long ass comment incoming, answering some Quazii questions about ffxi:

    – ffxi is not turned based, there is auto attack based on weapon delay, and you gather TP (tactical points) to make weapon skills. With those weapon skills you could chain them to make skillchains. And then after those skillchains, mages could Magic Burst with a big ass spell for huge numbers. So a recap: autoattacks, abilities with cooldowns (from 15 seconds to 2hours CD), skills with TP, and spells with cooldown.

    – your life and mana would NOT replenish by themselves. You would need to drink potions or get buffs from support classes. Or you could /heal. Literally typing /heal would make you sit on the grounds and slowly tick up your HP and mana.

    – One amazing thing in ffxi is that you had specialized gears for everything. As a healer, I had around 15 differents gearset that I would swap around with macros. For instance, one would make my heals stronger, another one would make them casted faster, I would have a gearset for damage spells, or enfeebling spells etc… I loved that about this game. Every piece of gear you got was a slight improvement on your build. You basically never threw away gears. They each had their uses.

    – when they announced ffxiv, their was three schools of thought among the community basically: people who hoped it would be ffxi with better graphics, others were a bit more curious and eager to play a brand new MMO, and doomsayers saying it was the end of ffxi, handing pitchforks etc.

    – ffxi had a dangerous, dangerous open world. You asked what was the "check" button. It was to know how stronger the ennemi was. "Too weak to be worthwile": gives no exp, is more than 5 level below you (depending on your job and how low level the mob is, you May still have troubles to solo that monster..), "easy prey" (couple levels below), "decent challenge" (around same level), "even match" (a bit higher than you), "tough" (higher), "Very tough" (much higher), and finally "impossible to gauge". The last one being for the Notorious Monsters (Named ennemies with special drops).
    Game knowledge was important. Going after a Bee monster or a crab was very different. Bees had lot of évasion, and à big finisher move that could one shot you. Crabs were very tanky, could make your strength drop etc… every monster was very différent, not like ffxiv where it doesn't matter what monster it is your rotation is pretty much the same…

    – one last thing about monsters: they had différent détection type. Some monsters could smell you, and aggro even if they didn't see you. Some others would aggro if you used Magic nearby. Some other by sight, so you had to wait for them to turn their back to go near them. Some would have both smell and sight. Some had "True sight", they would always aggro you no matter what.
    Healers and buffers classes have spells to make you invisible to monsters, or unsmellable…

    I played Final Fantasy XI for 15 years I have around 4 years of Playtime during those 15 years. The game was awesome, big, with a huge sense of community. I cannot emphasis this enough. The community was everything. Linkshells (guilds), were aplenty and pretty much mandatory to play endgame, and even to level up and do story content, some static 6 man groups were mandatory.

    that's old time, and that's only possible to experience on private (and illegal, I wouldnt encourage you to stream or share content from those) servers nowadays.
    I still play the game, and its very différent now. Mostly you can play solo, with NPCs following your around and helping you (up to 5 NPCs to make a 6 man group).

    The story and the music is lovely thouh Mizuta never gets enough credit for his work.
    If you found installing ffxiv was a pain you're not ready for ffxi tho… ^^
    I wish ffxi would get more love from SE, since it literraly saved their company during the 1.0 disaster. And I wish they would bundle ffxi and ffxiv together for a small increase of price but apparently The ffxiv team doesn't care about making this happen.

    If you have more questions, i'd be delighted to answer them, I will drop on discord and you can chat me anytime.

    Thank you for this reaction vidéo, lots of interesting takes!
    Forben Stralken

  12. I was there when the reigns changed, in the early patches of 1.0 through a series of surveys this team turned a shit show into something that was actually playable and showed promise by 1.25. They did all those improvements to a failed launch that they knew they would be discarding all while building a brand new version of the game. I saw potential in this game from the beginning and I'm so glad I stuck with it, my faith in this game has paid off in spades!

  13. ffxiv and NMS's turnarounds have had an odd knock-on effect where whenever a big game launches in an unacceptable state (Anthem springs to mind), some part of the discourse goes "maybe they can ffxiv it???" despite us really only having those two major examples of such successes, amongst the countless failures that made those successes so special to begin with

  14. also going to add to the folks recommending Speakers of Hydaelin's videos if you want a more thorough account of how 1.0 went down from the players' perspective, made by folks who were there

  15. I'm happy you mentioned Amano's art, but Akihiko Yoshida's impeccable fantasy costumes, character designs, promotional art and world design for the game really shouldn't be understated either.
    He's probably most known for his work on Final Fantasy Tactics and the Ivalice series but he's responsible for so much of the world of XIV that we see, especially being the lead artist for 1.0 and 2.0.

  16. As someone who was there on day one you did not want to play the original Final Fantasy XIV I remember trying to figure out the fishing class and it was the most obnoxious thing that I would have played World of Warcraft a million times more than having to sit through that again

  17. Losing EXP, Gear, etc and 20 hour grinds were absolutely normal. FFXI predicated much of its game from Everquest. XI was often referred to as the Japanese EQ. Having abilities that you could only use once a day, or having mobs that only spawned once a week on random timers, or mobs that you could only kill once EVER in the life of a server. All of these were things that came from the first 3D MMO, which was Everquest. It wasn't until games like WoW came out, which still had a lot of those features, with world bosses and such, started to ease things up, trying to make the game more inclusive and less off-putting to a wider audience. This was the catalyst to what you have now in most MMO's where you get that instant gratification, that we never had in the first 10 years or so, in the beginning of MMO's.

  18. FF11 is a great game but it is very dated. Unlike 14 which runs on a GCD system, 11 is almost entirely menu based. You can make macros (you practically have to), but for physical attackers, most damage will come from auto-attacks.

  19. I played FF11 in 2003 juni and it was a great journey! there where hard parts that doesnt exist anymore like: You need to farm 3 items and it was a lvl 30 cap and after those items farm you need with these items to open a dungeon boss if you lose! you lose your items your money (money was really low to farrm) aand you lose EXP. But overall it was worth the experience


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