Radz-at-Han theme but the beat drops harder: https://youtu.be/OEBvBOn9KZ8
Extended by me
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My end screen music is from Farlyn:
0:00 Information
0:08 Paladin
0:28 Warrior
0:48 Dark Knight
1:07 Gunbreaker
1:26 Dragoon
1:46 Reaper
2:05 Samurai
2:24 Monk
2:44 Ninja
3:03 Bard
3:23 Machinist
3:42 Dancer
4:02 White Mage
4:21 Astrologian
4:40 Sage
5:00 Scholar
5:20 Summoner
5:40 Black Mage
6:00 Red Mage
6:20 Endscreen
Nitsugan Ayoreden (Exodus)
Mary O.
Maned Wolf (Excalibur)
Stephanie M.
Suavemente Besame(Sargatanas)
Kinara Brenna (Brynhildr)
Forgiven Carnality (Faerie)
Moldy Cheese (Exodus)
Hezoret Flamesinger (Brynhildr)
►Buy the Official FFXIV Soundtrack: https://tinyurl.com/buyffxivost
You may use any of my content from my videos as long as you provide credit.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2020 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
What a cool concept for the SGE weapon! The rest? Meh.
Getting close to the last leveling dungeon that drops gear! I can tell that you take the time to farm every piece of armor and every weapon before you put these videos together and I know from experience that it takes hours to complete! Thank you for all the effort you put into getting these out as soon as you're able to!
I wanted to know if you had planned on updating the stormblood and shadowbringers leveling dungeon gear vids for reaper and sage? If not, do you think you'll make a separate video showcasing each jobs leveling Dungeon weapons from 70-79? I know that there are a few unique designs that aren't getting as much exposure because Noone is bothering with dungeons until Endwalker. There is a really unique scythe that drops from a few lvl 70 stormblood dungeons called the "Naigama of the Crimson Lotus" and a couple of unique scythes from shadowbringers as well as sage.
Ok hold on, the SAM sword with its sheath actually doesn't make sense though? It's not physically possible.
the samurai weapon.
Every time I see a fucking edge like that I'm thinking okay its fantasy whatever but
The lance is pretty sick, also your outro is cool
SAM's looks gorgeous, gonna be great for more Indian or Middle-Eastern inspired glams.
honestly, i'd grind this dungeon more if it hadn't emotionally destroyed me the first time i ran it lmao
1:20 Gunaxe more like it.
man i wish they were dyable the sage weps look increadible
why can’t scholar get flashy stuff like sage 😭
bit off topic, can anyone tell me what the wrap-like gloves he is using are called?
Sage is my favorite weapon on here
I love how the gunbreaker's weapon is an actual gun with a axe blade attached to it
6:13 i wish i could dye the weapons, this would have made a cool RDM Indian/Arabian glamor
Holy shit.
The weapons from this dungeon are all so nice.
I do appreciate a RDM weapon that looks like an actual SWORD, not a stick.
I know that fencing foils are the baseline, but so many RDM weapons seem to take that base and strip detailing and features from it, almost heartlessly. Or don't seem to think they can deviate from the dimensions of a musketeer's foil, like the original RDM AF weapon represented the absolute MAX the blade could be. It's nice to get a curved rapier with some meat to it.
What gear are you wearing? That glam is clean af.
I'm exited to check new armors and weapons from 86+ dungeons!
Gunbreaker deadass got a historically accurate weapon… Gunbreaker!
I am shocked, and I love it
The music is amazing
Why does ninja always get the shittiest weapons? Joking aside, most of these are really cool.
whoa! got to get those sage weapons
White mage one is a freakin chicha xD
1:20 Awaken, my masters!
"None of the following weapons are dyeable"
Sad glamour noises
Think it's about time I make a "tribal" fashion set with this gear. Good stuff.
no light ? no like
but i like the video !
Is it fucked up that I see Ankha clapping and dancing along to this music?
They need to redo ninja and black mage animations, every time I see them I feel they'll break an ankle with that awkward pose.
I need someone to make Zasalamel from Soul Calibur, using that war scythe :O