Useful FFXIV Tips and Tricks You Might Have Missed

Here’s a list of quality of life tips and tricks you might have missed on Final Fantasy 14. I hope you find them useful!

You can also check the first part of my FF14 Tips and Tricks video here:

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40 thoughts on “Useful FFXIV Tips and Tricks You Might Have Missed”

  1. Idleshire for Khole turn ins, Gold Saucer (allows you to go to the four city states for 200 G) Current Hub City, Secondary hub city.

    Or, can set your free portal to Limsa, it has a boat that takes you directly to the waking sands, Old Shar, and Kugane.

  2. Heck, I loaded up on discounted teleport locations even though 90% of my teleports are free with Aetheryte Ticket from the hunt billmaster at my Grand Company or from that Centurio Hunts guy in Ishgard. Seriously, go do hunts and buy those tickets, you'll save so much money.

  3. You can also tell which gear item that you're currently wearing is at 100% spiritbond if you have your inventory grid displayed. The dots on the left of it represent each gear piece. White dots = 100% spiritbond, Green dots < 100%.

  4. I actually didn't know chatbox can be hidden! Thank you for this
    It's funny how you mentioned about the dismount button. I managed to do that randomly one time and thought it's just a basic thing XD didn't know others don't do the same.

  5. If you hold both left and right mouse button, you move forward. Mostly useless, but can be helpful when you for whatever reason don't want to use your keyboard for that.

  6. you can use Cntrl-uparrowkey (or down) to adjust your default camera angle relative to your character. This is very useful for being able to actually see the sights of the game around you and in the sky and not staring at down 24/7 at dirt (I wish more big streamers would use this cause 90% of their stream is staring down at dirt…) . During boss fights it still shows enough of the ground to let you be aware of AOEs, but also lets you actually see what the boss is doing for their positioning and telegraph-only attacks + in EW it lets you see those skybox attacks.

  7. I'm not sure about that advice to select multiple languages. I mean obviously the first problem with that is probably don't say you can speak languages you can't speak? That's like, sure you could get matched quicker, but if someone in that duty needs help you're setting yourself up for an extra half hour of broken communication they specifically didn't sign up for?

    But even aside from that, anecdotally it seems like the matchmaking system hyper-fixates on certain languages and gives you longer queues. Like if it gets two "Japanese" speakers on an EU datacentre it's going to try its best to stick them in the same party because, "woah, why are Japanese speakers in the land of roast beef, baguettes and waffles?"

    On the whole, it feels like people would have a better queuing experience if they a) made a PF, b) travelled to another datacentre or c) did some fates/triple triad NPCs/read a book during the wait.

  8. A trick for players who don't necessarily like weaving, weaving skills isn't a keyboard mash scenario, there's one small thing you can do that will save you plenty of time.

    Any skill that is an "Ability" can be weaved, while spells can't, so if you want to weave and ability right after your Spell, all you need to do is press the button while the cast bar is happening, once the cast is over, the ability will come out right after!

    It's really a game change in any field of gameplay and it can make a big difference once you practice. 😄

  9. Love videos with tips like these, since it's fairly easy to learn something new. o/ In return here's some tips I've gathered over time. ☺

    – You can use /doze while standing on a bed to rest/sleep on it. While sleeping you can change poses.

    – You can hold Ctrl while mouse is on map to reveal aetherite icons and make them easy to click (they will show on top of quest and other icons).

    – You can use Ctrl + cursor keys Up/Down to aim the camera vertically, very useful to get camera at the best position during fights, or for taking character screenshots.

    – If you get lost easily like me and use the big map a lot, you can click on the lock button on it so it stays up when you press Escape. I (almost) always have it visible on a corner of the screen.

    – There's 4K texture mode for UI that makes all skill/gear/item/etc icons much sharper and nice, especially if you have any hotbars size set to more that 100%. This is found in System Config > Graphic Settings > UI Resolution.

    – Having a hotbar on top of your screen with your important cooldowns can be useful to learn a job.

    – Similar to how battle effects can be lowered, summoner pet sizes can be adjusted, making them small helps clear clutter and camera obstructions a lot! Type "/? petsize" in chat to get instructions on how to do this. ^^

    – The Ready Check action can be used at any time and is very useful outside of duties when playing with friends… you can ready check before starting/queueing for duties, during treasure hunting…

    – You can use sound effects in chat messages/macros, ex: "LB!!!!!!!! <se.4>" to get your someone's attention, use responsibly. 🙂

    – In HUD layout, you can split your buf/debufs and move then where you want individually. Same for target bufs/debufs. You can move your own debufs to a prominent area of the screen and make them 200% so you don't miss DOOM and similar nasty stuff.

    – Cast bars can also be split from the target info element in HUD layout. Moving the target's cast bar to a clear spot on the screen and making it BIG will make it easier to learn enemy attacks by name, giving you a better reference in fights of what the boss is doing. If the cast bar is red, you can interrupt that attack with "Interject" or equivalent skill.

  10. @7.43 I seem to remember – perhaps wrongly, that Yoshi-P didn't like that players could exclude other languages and changed it so that you queue with all languages always and these check boxes are a relic of the past

  11. I'm surprised I knew most them! Also, Companion app is useful for activating neurons during class for me. Lets me check my inventory and stuff while I'm a few kilometers away from my phone

  12. Do you have or can suggest a video I can show people, who need a little push to start the game? My cousin and a friend kinda want to start the game but are afraid about the game having so much content. I am terrible at hyping people up for games, so nobody ever plays what I suggest :‘)

    Nice video as always!

  13. Not only is "Z" the default sheathe key, it's also used when flying to go straight down. If you don't move in any other direction it will take you all the way to the ground, and hitting it again will dismount you.

  14. Come on Avy, you've been playing a bit less time than me. But that window resize thing is one of the first thing people learn surely?
    Like someone else posts in comments, if using controller it's R3 over the window to increase size till it hits max and it rolls over to minimum size. (I use controller + Mouse + KB personally)
    My own personal favourite thing to resize on the 16 (yes.. SIXTEEN!) different characters I play, is the spearfishing window. That thing is too small when you first spearfish.


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