Unlimited Mounts and Minions from FFXIV Grand Company!?! Material 3.0 & 4.0 Containers!

Probably the best thing added to the game, no joke….
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42 thoughts on “Unlimited Mounts and Minions from FFXIV Grand Company!?! Material 3.0 & 4.0 Containers!”

  1. I remember these being mentioned, but hadn't realized they were in game yet! Thanks for the video! I've just been spending my seals on more and more ventures.

  2. Yes I’ve been loving this! I already got a few minions I didn’t have and the others I just sold on the market board. It’s been a fun thing to do after running some dungeons.

  3. I saw a similar question below but I want to know, how I can unlock these for purchase?? I know how to rank up my grand company. I have a squadron and they are all above level 50. I only need to rank up one more time to be able to obtain these, how do I do that please? 🙂

  4. Yoshi discussed this on the Live Letter before release. They can be very sneaky like that, but a run down of the Live Letter is normally posted in the FFXIV Reddit Discord to get information ahead of release.

  5. That is pretty amazing stuff! Now that my retainers are higher level I'm getting more tickets through gear hand-ins than I realistically need to buy ventures, so this is a good way to spend them, especially since I'm a bit of a mount whore xD

  6. Love the video! Honestly. I fail, I should have told you I’ve been doing it since early access 🤣🤣🤣 I get 4-6 every day depending on drops from roulettes and my plethora of retainers 🧐. I’m in love with it! Filling out those collections makes me a happy Lord.

  7. i am constantly capped on gc seals, so i was so happy to find seal sink items to spend them on! i hope they do this more for gc seals as well as stuff like allagan tomestones of poetics, mgp, and bicolor gemstones.
    i've gotten 4 so far, 2 of each, and got minions all 4 times. only one i didn't already have though, the koala joey. the others were wayward hatchling, odder otter, and a road sparrow i think.

  8. I knew about it and was really hyped for it….until i realized i couldnt buy these Chests because i had to level up my Squad to get a new GC Rank -.- i totally hate this Squad minigame.


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