10 or more Types of Final Fantasy XIV players exist in the expansive MMORPG. In this short I mention specifically the lounger player, and I go into detail about what the lounger player is all about. If you play FFXIV, would you consider yourself to be the casual player? I hope you enjoyed this FFXIV short!
FFXIV is an amazing MMO RPG, a contender for world of warcraft at some points. I love this game, and I love making weekly content around it! Between long form uploads, I schedule shorts for FFXIV videos based on my latest long form video. I hope you enjoy!
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I feel called out lol
I concur with the other comment how dare you call me out so directly without any warning.
This is literally what I do everytime, bruh you can't call out people like this 😭😂
Expose us why don't you.
Haha, im new to ffxiv and this series is great 😂 can't wait to see what kind of player I'll be too when I'm late game
All i do is lounge, do glam, housing, eat hot chip and lie. Now i might raid if i had friends do it but none of us are serious raiders and im afraid of new people since my preferred job is healer with a tendency to overheal…
I am not a lounger or a role player, chances are I will panic and run away if you try interacting with me, but I absolutely adore these players. They make the world so alive and vibrant. Almost every type of FFXIV player is awesome and adds to the vibe.
I recognize Nexus from Balmung
I always thought they were just in dps queues
We’ve been outed 😂
Doing nothing on MMOs is as old as the genre
Ah yes, Link at Ul'dah in Brynhilder
Wow 10,000 hours on FFXIV you must be the best player ever……
I feel so called out…… just so you know I do stuff ok 😆
Are you a mythical Balmung native?!?!
most "loungers" just sit there with their weapons drawn hoping someone will comment on their particle effects or savage mount
Just like me for real
in Elemental – Gungnir, at Uldah's market board area, there are 2 catgirls in maid clothings sitting next to each other.
I have seen them there for months, everytime I go to use the market board in Uldah, they are there, never once had an AFK sign on their head.
The only one time i saw something different was one of them was not there. Once, in months
My bros on levi will know of the Mandeville cat boy dancing at limsa lominsa
God i know that giant moogle roe..
Wait I was like I recognise that person afk