I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying
Full Endwalker playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9JKBGWkVcPFI-hRz22xJPrwj82FciFeZ
Buy the official soundtrack: https://www.jp.square-enix.com/music/sem/page/ff14/ENDWALKER_ost/en/
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FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
The Twelve saying goodbye broke my heart. It's so bittersweet and sad. I was crying so much in the cutscene after the final boss fight.
One criticism is somewhat of a spoiler:
It should have been harder. The final boss should have had combos with the different attacks. Like the moonlight attack with spear thrusts meaning you have to run toward the boss rather than just simply running normally. Or Byregot hammer with Rhalgr fist attack. Idk some combos to really test your memory and make it not easy.
This final fight was/is everything I wished for and more. It's by far the best fight I've ever experienced in any fantasy story driven video game. This expansion and it's fights have been a real treat. I can't wait for DawnTrial!
good theme but I wish it was another vocal track like In the Balance.
"so who's the final boss?"
Opening shot with the piano reminded me of Xion final form with Vector to the Heavens.
you know it's the ultimate boss when they use the final fantasy theme for the battle.
They were training us to fight them all fused together.
Thank you for always uploading these songs! I loved this send off and the ending is so bittersweet it got me in tears. Can't wait for dawntrail alliance raids and beyond o/
this was so damn good😭
i finally got to fight my god and IT WAS GLORIOUS
my favorite post patch song in EW, I love the combination of the ARR motifs and the main FF theme. I do feel one last vocal song in a third fight would have been nice to close off the ARR regions getting a song (Ul'dah had in the balance, the black shroud had a moonkeeper folk song) since I feel the people of La Noscea should have gotten a track as well.
I loved Thaleia except for this final boss. The song is great I love it a lot. but the boss design is so… ugly. Bad. They wanted to represent every member of the twelve in someway that it turned into a "Everything but the kitchen sink" situation. Would probably have been better had it been like a Amano looking character, with wings maybe a sword or something. With a Halo behind it with the twelve symbols. I much preferred fighting Thaliak, Oschon, and Llymlaen in this raid they were so fun and unique fights. I wasn't really that excited to fight what amounted to E12 2 electric boogaloo. It def felt like this fight was meant to stop at eulogia ultimate attack and go into a phase 2 but never did. This was probably my least favorite final boss out of any 3rd alliance raid. Ultima the high seraph still sits at the top for me.
Is that himbo hooters?
This fight was so fun them music was great and the boss design was beautiful I really loved it❤
So glad i rolled a 99 on this orch roll my first run
Am I a bitter and toxic old man ? I can't help but be angry at the moron who ruined a double LB2 pull on video start.
This may be the first time in a JRPG in which I'm murdering a god that wants me to do so.
This fight was f-in chaos. The music, the majesty, the mechanics. I loved every second of it.
But why does the wolf head on their chest have a mustache?!
Music is great…. But i want the great music with lyrics to sing like other 2…
This theme hits so hard my heart :(((
Mom, I did not sign up for this surprise feel trip!
EW's raids run complete opposite ends with their final bosses. Eulogia is a loving god made of multiple people, who adore all their children, and willingly die to return to the lifestream just to help them more.
Meanwhile Athena wants to BE a god, caring for no one but herself, and will kill everyone to become it – even spitefully attempting to destroy the lifestream when defeated. EW really shows the difference what love and believing in others changes in people, whether here or Zero & Golbez.
what a wild fight
I was calling it from the get go that the Twelve would use Super Polymerization to fuse together and we’d have to deal with ALL of their mechanics. I didn’t know how right I was….
I certainly was not prepared to say goodbye in this way. All of their attacks, all of their feelings, even the call back with ARR in the song. Every bit of this was just the final loose ends being tied up from this amazing book we’ve all been a part of. Now we set sail on a brand new book
This raid is like E12 but for Alliance Raids
I'm so glad they didn't go for a cheesy vocal song for the ending of the raid. The big finale with the gods that have existed in the lore since 1.0 deserved a grandiose Final Fantasy style orchestral song and happy that's exactly what they got, with the FF main theme included to boot.
Bhunivelze (good timeline)
My only issue with this Is that I wish we had both this for this fight and a vocal track dedicated to Oschon, derived from the Thaleia theme, like we got the last two times. Would have felt more complete. Otherwise it fits really well and the drop the FF theme is really cool.
Ending to this raid series had me crying so hard and really loved the theme, very fitting for a boss that's all of the Twelve combined and giving their all with how majestic and grand it sounds