Top 5 Least favorite Final Fantasy XIV Trials Pre-Endwalker

I did a list of my favorite Trials. Now I have to do a list of my least favorite trials. Just because they’re my least favorite doesn’t mean they’re all bad, it just means I don’t like them all that much.


3 thoughts on “Top 5 Least favorite Final Fantasy XIV Trials Pre-Endwalker”

  1. I agree, but I like steps of faith simply because of the story/roleplay importance. It feels good to take down basically godzilla but I can see why someone would dislike it. I personaly hate shinryu the most. Its SB final boss which means it should be really strong and just epic fight in general. I dont remember wiping once on that guy. Worst thing that happens is someone gets knocked off the platform at start. The music is meh and he dies really fast. Tsukuyomi carried SB for me.

  2. When I was playing in main first time around I had to UNSYCH thronmarch only cuse the ppl I got was so shit that I begged my fc to help (they was level 60 at the time) and thankfully they agreeed to help me like I get it In routtle and it’s like well this gunna be hell


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