Top 5 BEST + WORST CHARACTERS in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn – Final Fantasy 14 [Cobrak]


With A Realm Reborn behind us, thought I’d drop a rundown of my favourite (and some LEAST favourite) characters so far in FFXIV before getting started in earnest with Heavenward!

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45 thoughts on “Top 5 BEST + WORST CHARACTERS in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn – Final Fantasy 14 [Cobrak]”

  1. one of the best lines of Ilberd cam a few quest bevor the ending. The quest with the spy in the flames. he said: "he rather cut off his are bevor he betrays a frind" or somthing like that. i can´t remember the exact line of Ilberd.

  2. Laurentius and Yuyuhase deserve special mentions for how much I despise them. It's been 6 years since I played through ARR and I still remember their names. And they're side characters!
    I will tell you this though, SE knows how to develop their characters. The main cast will each come to their own as the story progresses.

  3. Cob, you do know that you can get Aymeric's outfit on the Mogstation right?

    Alphinaud comes into his own in future expansions. In ARR, I would have shoved his head down a toilet. HW on, not so much.

  4. In many ways Tataru embodies the crafters of the game. They might not be the best in combat, but they can generally keep their shit together and there are things you just can't do without them.

  5. You’ll build relationships with characters throughout your journey, glad you’re keeping track of your favorites, it’ll definitely shift and change as you go through it. Cid is a recurring character in EVERY final fantasy though his role is never the same. He is someone that ducks in and out of the main scenario, but if you do the raids, (normal versions have their own story line that augments main scenario but isn’t mandatory to understand MSQ) he’s utilized more, and you’ll interact with him more. <3

  6. Great List so far!
    Am stoked for your future Lists of this kind man^^
    ps: I just hated Minfillia from the bottom of my heart, she was just so shallow, couldnt do shxt, always was admiring me like a god and it pissed me tf off 😀

    Btw still subbed from back in the good old wow days mate 🙂
    Happy to see you enjoying FF 🙂

  7. The Garleans… are pretty bad, sorry to say. Gaius might have a certain "moral compass" but even under his rule people suffered greatly – you need only to talk some more with the refugees in Little Ala Mhigo and Quarrymill: they can tell you that living under garlean rule is no stroll in the park (you'll learn more later in Stromblood). Those like (I'll butcher that name and I wont look it up now…) Rhitatyn sas Avina, the big bulky guy and Tribunus under Gaius, who played along and serve, they might have a superior who honors that and they can climb in the hierarchy. But those cases remain rare as Rhitatyn implys in one of the cutscenes with Gaius befor his death.
    Remember what Nanamo says to the Alliance leaders when they get the ultimatum: five years since the Calamity and them trying to rebuild their lives, trying to make things better for their people. While the Garleans have build warmachines and made ready again for conquest with no head for the common man as Gaius likes to claim.
    Power corrupts. With the Ultima Weapon its safe to assume this wouldnt improve Gaius' ego… I agree, he was an interesting character in ARR – but only because people think they are right doesnt mean they are. Its not the Garlean's place to decide what is best for any realm, except maybe their own.

    At least thats my take. Anything else would be spoilers XD

  8. Also you will learn a LOT more about the Garlean empire later in the game also once you get into Shadowbringers patch quests (5.2+) start the Sorrows of Werlytt quest chain. You will not regret it especially given your interest in the Garleans

  9. Haurchefant was robbed! Definitely deserves at least an honorable mention. I 100% agree on Alphinaud in ARR though, I found him super obnoxious but he grows on you over time. Plus he usually takes care of all the politics and bullshit for you, so you can focus on doing all the cool stuff.

  10. Poor haurchefant being ignored, while he stands against ishgardian politics and eorzea idiots to support his friend, even giving us the Falling Snow, when we loose everything.
    He has a special place for me, just for being there at the end, while i wanted to cry for all those lost, with a hot drink and a smile, making me feel better and not quite as hopeless as before

  11. The beauty of FFXIV is that all of the main characters, and most of the side cast, go through believable character growth throughout the expansions. If you like them now you will love them by the end of Shadowbringers. I'd also hazard a guess that even if you don't care for some of them right now that will change down the line ("cough" Cid & Alphi).

    I can't wait to see where Endwalker takes us. <3

  12. You are pretty much right about your assumption that the expansions play a big role in which characters ended up as fan favorites.
    So far, definitely good picks :3
    Alphi and Cid, well, we'll see x)

  13. elegance for efficiency was the line that won thancred over for me, had me laughing way too hard. also cid is my least favourite character as well, i always tend to doze off in his cutscenes

  14. I will recommend two alt characters. to experience JUST the level 1 – 15 starting stories. It'll also give you a perspective on the other scions. They are unique quest chains.

  15. Since there is a Cid in almost every other FF single player game, it's just a big moment when we get him to join our forces here as well. I think that's why people (myself included) enjoys him.

    I think that Alphinaud will grow even more on you. I wasn't his biggest fan from the start either. 😉

  16. Without Tataru the Scions would fall apart, she is an absolute Treasure. And Most of the community likes Alphinaud later, I hate the little bastard, probably my most hated Character – even now

  17. Cid is a Final Fantasy tradition up there with crystals, moogles, chocobos, and ofc airships. I usually love Cid and it didn’t hurt that he’s a giant daddy who can only fight with his galaxy brain.

    If those are your picks? You are not prepared 😃

  18. damn cobrak, i watch your videos since 2014, and man, thanks for playing this game and making content, i start to play like 20 days ago and i never get bored, a lot of things to do, other experience, other type of people, thanks you, i can wait to see you making a pvp movie of ff xiv 👀👀👀


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