Tired of this one thing in FFXIV…

FF14 drama? elitism? party finder? no… what I had to talk about i stayed up til 6 am to edit this video for upload LOL. Find me live on https://www.twitch.tv/mirubuns ! More socials are:
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#FFXIV #FF14 #finalfantasy14


30 thoughts on “Tired of this one thing in FFXIV…”

  1. People who make fun of easier jobs are just projecting their own insecurities. They’re outing themselves as someone who thinks a game has to be enjoyed in a certain way. I just feel sorry for them for about 1.2 seconds, then move on to having a good time. 😊

  2. (When I was WAR in a full party with RDM, SMN, RPR, and NIN)
    WHM: "Good, we have 3 rezzers in party!"
    SGE: "You meant 4, right?"
    WHM: "I meant 3. I'm usually a SMN main."
    SMN: "T_T"

    Seriously though, play what you wanna play. Just do you best, improve yourself, and ignore naysayers. o7

  3. SMN is a lot more enjoyable to play I prefer it over the other casters simply because you're summoning giant primals, that's sick.
    BLM is just not worth the time, but to those who enjoy it, good for you!
    RDM is alright, but I usually just play it as a prog class or if I'm expecting to rezz a lot.

  4. I love new summoner. It's probably my favorite caster job. Old summoner was so convoluted and honestly a lot of the old "complexity" was just jank from them not knowing what exactly they wanted to do with it.

  5. I just returned to endwalker after a long break and tried the new SMN stuff. Im very relieved that I dont have to press as much buttons, but I never looked at it as brain dead. It's Odd that people would make fun of it lol


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