These FFXIV Skills Are Never Coming Back

One day we’ll be able to shoot Feints from our bows once again. Surely.


#ffxiv #endwalker #dawntrail


36 thoughts on “These FFXIV Skills Are Never Coming Back”

  1. Yeah i kinda miss old White Mage lol. I miss making sure to pop Protect and Stoneskin at the start of dungeons, and i miss how much damage i could do with Cleric Stance lol

  2. Shadowflare, bane, flame arrow, volley, stella, eye for an eye, virus as a healer action. ninja messing with aggro with smokebomb and shadewalker. quelling strikes and all other aggro maintenance from non tanks gone NOCTURNAL SECT GONE dragoon pole dance (ring of thorns), tank dots, dark arts. this game has changed so much

    also let me complain about gutted lvl 50 whm for a bit. removed protect, sure fine. lucid dreaming became a role action. stoneskin removed and basically given back as divine benison in stb levels. divine seal being made into largesse as a role action then removed then baked into temperance at level 80. ability to cross class an extra dot gone, virus gone, eye for an eye gone, fluid aura to save yourself from a stray mob with a bad tank gone. its little wonder sprout whm/cnj fall into the freecure trap when almost all of whm's ability to do anything else at 50 and below is just gone and either never replaced or moved to a higher level ability

  3. Gosh I loved Lethargy in HW PvP. It was fun to just watch someone have their engage or disengage ruined by that skill. BLM had such nasty CC back when PvP shared its PvE skills.

  4. I started in the creator tier and while there's a lot I miss and don't miss about job design, I can't say I enjoy how tanks/healers (supports) play in endwalker. Unpopular opinion but I really enjoyed stance dancing and the only real problem with it was that WAR's was too good and DRK/PLD's was too clunky.

  5. I loved that provoke was a class skill available to arcanist. Made sense I guess with titan egi being tank pet, but I used to love messing with my tank friends in dungeons

    Please make surgery video I forgot so many of these

  6. I really think they should bring back the old tank stance/atk stance. It gives a lot of room for tank mains to push themselves in a fun way balancing between those two

    Ever since they changed this I felt that tanks have been missing something important to their gameplay loop

  7. Honestly hot take if bard cant do the damage its supposed to bring back cast bard. jokes aside its cool to see old abilities i know i am one of those shadowbringers womb babies so i had no clue any of this stuff existed outside of like caster bard and keen flurry being thrown around at times

  8. Bard and Machinist are both practically unrecognizable to their original game plans in ARR and HW as they were shifted away from being half support. changing the songs and the turrets function.
    I miss saving raid with lvl 3 healer LB as Bard

  9. I’d enjoy seeing more of the removed actions from you. Your voice just makes it significantly more intriguing to listen to (Yes, it IS because of your accent. Not making fun of it, it’s just smooth on the ears).

  10. I haven't even finished the video, but seeing the Deliverance button made me sigh wistfully.

    Also, seeing Holmgang's changelog made me feel super old. Not only do I still feel weird being able to move around while Holmgang is up, but also having those four extra seconds makes planning around when to invuln that much less consequential to me.

  11. I miss the PLD shild counter.
    Whenever you blocked something with a PLD the skill proged and you could deal a bit more dmg.
    It was fun to optimize the AOEs you can stand in without angering the healer.

  12. Shield Swipe. NOT shield bash, that's still in the game and still useless.

    I was a Paladin main from ARR until ShB. Shield swipe was so fun the way it was, I would equip higher block rate shields and spam that ability when I blocked, when they released shieldtron, it felt SO good to block a TB and swing back with shield swipe and do additional damage and aggro gen.

    I want them to bring that back for every tank but tie it to their 30s passable CDs, and Everytime you mitigate damage at all during the 8 seconds you can do a shield swipe counter. That was the biggest problem with shield swipe and original reprisal, since you could only use it as MT back then, but having it in their passable 30s mitigations would incentivise OT to help MT with TBs and using itnas much as possible.

    I agree some of these abilities and tank stance being changed made the game better for the majority and newcomers- but I feel like people like us have been forgotten and relegated to only ultimates.

    I also prefer the intrinsic skill based harder jobs with easy fights over hard fights and easy jobs, it made mastering your job beneficial to every fight to a higher degree than what we have now.

  13. Ill never forgive them for removing the Dragoon ability to make their lance a stripper pole with ring of thorns, the animation alone was so fun, but line AOE tends to be better so i understand why it be like that
    still sad tho. They could always bring it back as "weapon dance" emote like we have vpose and bstance, and just give every job a goofy vibe with the weapon look. if anything for the more upbeat vibes of dawn trail it could totally work too.


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