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Download Marvel Strike Force for FREE now: to support my channel and unlock up to 17 total characters within the first 30 days of playing! Redeem the promo code VENOMGIFT to get free 100 Venom shards, 500 Power Cores, 5 Premium Orbs in Marvel Strike Force!
Nashu at the end gonna make me act unwise.
Traditionally, Hildibrand adventures would comprise of one new side character that undergoes a character development arc throughout the series, but this time it was so short that we didn't get to see what character it was. I'm not satisfied for it being so short this time(especially the way how Hildibrand's plot in EW ended), but seeing Hardiboiled's manly charm convinced me to swallow it down, just this once.
Hildi- I mean- Max Payne

I was really hoping the guards would blue-screen or get the XBOX 360 red ring of death
You missed Nashu's stalker getting high on the lightning supply in Heritage Found. You can see him in the background in the HF scene where you're talking to Nashu. He was also spying on your conversation with Nashu in Tulliyollal.
Everytime a video ends, I'm still thinking of random "*-scribe for more"s for the ending like with earlier videos, it's just ingrained in me, I gotta Hardi-scribe for more.
I'm very curious where this version of Hildibrand is going, but I'm excited. It always manages to steal the show. Also love the end scene, Nashu really is the best girl.
Omg, i just noticed the stalker lala at 1:43 , didnt see it when i was doing this myself xD
The Coblyn with the hat is so so good.
And here i was thinking Otis was the hildibrand shard from alexandria, oh well
I originally theorized that Otis was Hildibrand’s reflection from ages past, but the new Hildibrand content has forced me to call that into question.
I really appreciate how every person I've seen play through this came to the same conclusion of "Wait, this can't be our Hildebrand, he's too competent".
We just have to give it time for now since this is mostly a introduction quest. I am interested how the two Hildibrand that are complete opposites of each other will interact. Still, they could have made it a bit longer.
I was so disappointed when they went with the Reflection angle rather than "nah, Hildibrand just grew up over the last 30 years"
I expected this one to be short since this expansion really mirrors Stormblood since the first Hildibrand quest in Stormblood was also just a short 1 quest introduction. Which means we are in for a fun time in future patches!
Also Nashu awakened the RP community with that end pose!
And in the typical fashion SE is doing bare minimum. The quest is so good, but why is it so short? Man, Dawntrail is so underwhelming in most aspects.
I'll be honest
I dismissed the noir idea and thought of Inspector Gadget storytelling
If Hildibrand really got 30 years older then I hope we bring back Gigi to put him back to normal and de-age him, continuing the Hildibrand trend of us questioning what lore is real and what lore is for fun and not serious
This is the most intrigued I've been for a Hildibrand story since Heavensward, and it just ends after 20 minutes… Square really needs to reevaluate the amount of content we get per patch.
That is a real book!
There's a side quest in the Rak'tika Greatwood that says only people with the Echo can hear background music.
I love the tattered Noir coat… I hope they make it available to players.
i really appreciate that they haven't updated nashu's extremely polygonal bombs they probably threw together out of coconut assets back in 2012 or whatever
…did I just see a hrothgar just walk the neon railings on that area in sol9 near the end screen?
"Nashu, you're talking like A Realm Reborn" is a harssshhh burn
i was so excited to meet hildy and nashu again
the intense overdramatic, the vibes, the music mixes, just everything is over the top like always that all the scenes and moments made me sooo speechless like always aaah!!
i also love the smol details and random ass moments omg eeeh u-u
the boiled egg hildy action, i am so excited how the vacation goes with our beloved ones o/ ♡
I was sad about how short this one was. But the next batch should be bigger.
My boy. My sweet dumb boy finally returns!
Genetlemen Detective at it again!
Im waiting for a Kamen Rider W crossover with Hildebrand.
Is there worthwhile rewards for this or am I blessed by not having to play through this… "comedy"… again?
"I'll just take out my trusty…….. capybara."