tick tock tick tock
Full Dawntrail playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9JKBGWkVcPGQQxi73vB8tE9sQ69cbfzu
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The music this expansion goes hard as fuck. Just as well, since nothing else does.
This music is very different from the usual but it's very fitting. I like this approach of using very different music styles for the dungeons. Though there's no way I can correctly guess who arranged this. I think it's either Saya Yasaki or Daiki Ishikawa.
I finished this dungeon last night at 2am with trusts, going down to find the the supposed location of the City. What an atmospheric journey with this music playing in the background. Soon as i heard this, I needed to obtain the music scroll .. and it dropped!
what's the previous ff game this expansion is mostly based from? i know Endwalker is ffiv mostly.
If I have a cents for a horrible pot related revelation I would got 2 cents, which is weird because it happened twice IN A WEEK
songs perfect because it’s so mysterious and it transitions well into the futuristic and sci fi looking setting we don’t know about yet
Looks like we are facing a final boss yakuza
Reminds me Voices of the temple from Donkey Kong country and northern hemispheres
Thank you for posting this, I needed this song. Something about it hit me and I just had to sit for a minute in the dungeon and listen to it.
So mysterious.
A fitting theme for the path to the golden city
Gotta be my favorite theme from the expansion so far. Beautiful but haunting.
Hands down the best piece of music in this expansion, that first dungeon run I had was almost in a trance-like state.
The sad sombal of what happen to here combine with the theme of mysterious nature, as we go further down discovering what there. It amazing how they presented this dungeon.
This dungeon is my favourite this expansion, one of the most beautiful tracks and that walk up the corridor to reveal the golden city in the distance, I was in pure awe and filled with excitement.
Knowing there's thousands of childs resting here gave me chill. I felt not comfortable during this dungeon and this feeling will surely persist. This music is borh gracious and terrifying.
Remind me Chrono Cross OST
I got Made in abyss vibes here, the "happy exploration over, time for dire truths and face the greatest heighs and lowest depths of human nature" kind. I knew whatever lies beyond that gate is hell, and ho boy I am yet to see the whole thing but its quite intressting to say the least
the use of that music after the dungeon, in one of the cutscene, crusched me (still does…and its been hours!!!)
Bruh this is support to be a kino summer vacation, why there are dead children here T.T
I got Xenoblade 2 vibes playing the first time I ran this dungeon. Definitely my favorite dungeon in this game.
I love Yak T'el. I love its environments. I love its people. I love it's musical theme and I especially love this dungeon variant of it. It's so sad and magestic which makes sense as you first play through but coming back to it after the end of the MSQ hits emotionally on another level.
This piece is masterfully done. All the pain and sadness that revolves around this place is beautifully displayed in this works. The tone, the tempo, the key, and the way it is performed as a whole is absolute perfection.
it has something soothing in it
Hearing it play in a cutscene after the dungeon hurt me so, so bad. Even hearing it now has me emotional all over again, fuck lol. Definitely my favorite dungeon theme in this expansion (so far).
My fave music so far of Dawntrail. So beautiful and so sad! That opening shot of the dungeon punched me in the throat
This has to be my favorite piece. It's so lovely. Ethereal yet….so somber. My WHM regrets disturbing the ones at rest there.
The melody that kicks in at 1:08 has to be one of Soken's best. This song is fucking incredible, this dungeon was a huge highlight of the expac for me.
"What an expac, huh?"
"Captain, it's only the level 95 dungeon"
TFW you blast Enya in a mass grave for thousands of children
This song would fit Nier Automata very well.
Anyone know the theme / name of the song that plays in the quest after this dungeon?