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Well, I just got my axe last week from P4S and BIS now gonna have to farm new ones? Q_Q sadge
As one of the people that's a bit less invested in Savage it feels good that my more hardcore friends wont have a reason to feel like I'm stalling them lmao, sounds like a good change to give some breathing room! Also it will keep people from just insta-rushing everything on day one and then feeling like they have nothing to do
They didn't say, but my guess is crafted gear, weekly capped tome and recipes will also be delayed one week? Like they did with the 1st tier?
I feel like if they delayed the crafted gear to the same point as savage it would be meh but I really hope its only savage because that would be a really nice change
I like it. More time to enjoy the new content first. Besides that most people cleared the previous tier months before 6.2.
If crafted gear is getting dropped on patch 6.2 release I wonder if they will make the fights – at least the first two fights in the tier, have a higher gear/dps check.
The first two fights in a tier have always been tuned to the previous tier's max ilvl (for the first fight) and then adding + 5 to that ilvl ( for the second fight). The third and final fights have always had an ilvl recommendation that matches the crafted gear's ilvl.
Personally with regards to tuning the fights, it won't surprise me if they do take into consideration the fact that a lot of hardcore/semi-hardcore raiders will be all decked out with higher ilvl crafted gear and extreme weapons. Most people that reach the third and fourth fight are pretty decked out already with crafted + ex wep so this change won't do anything within this tier for those fights, it's really gonna have more of an effect on P5S and P6S.
I'm on board with the delay. I enjoy savage for the most part, but as one of those people who doesn't take patch day off from work, it feels really fucking bad to have to come home, rush through a huge chunk of story, just to unlock the savage fights and jump in all before my static is ready to go on day 1, week 1. Not to mention wasting my money buying pre-crafted gear I know I could make myself but don't have the time to gather materials to do so.
I'm surprised JP orbs hasn't caught on as much in Aether. It's so comfy 🥲
It only makes sense to me to see normal mode un-rushed, so savage mechanics don’t blindside me as I see the savage mechanics based off normal mode
Personally I really like this change, mainly for the same reasons you mentioned. I used to wake up to craft gear for the raid before going to work then come back home to rush through normal and go into normal raid schedule. Making it a huge pain in the ass.
The only problem with releasing savage sooner is that people won't have enough time to prepare what they need to prepare for savage