The Most Hated Content in Final Fantasy XIV – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #24

We’re back for another week of achievement hunting in ye ole Final Fantasy XIV. Today we’re checking out Stormblood’s 2nd relic instance – Eureka Pagos. Even though this zone was widely complained about, I think it’s a lot of fun in 2024, and this kind of content is sorely missed in Endwalker.



33 thoughts on “The Most Hated Content in Final Fantasy XIV – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #24”

  1. Bro I'd love to watch you play some retro games! Also, I think the lanterns are a reference to a previous FF game, the one with the crystals or something idk

  2. I'm someone who barely tolerated Eureka in general and somewhat disliked how mindlessly grindy it was. I can't say my opinion has much changed since then, even with Bozja. Doesn't help that I got a 3 day ban for trying to defend a train conductor in Pagos one day because someone was being incredibly toxic to them in shout chat. Glad you find enjoyment out of it (like a lot of people seem to, at any rate), but I dearly hope we don't get another. Though considering the EW relic grind, I hope we at least get something better than "Spend tomes to get weapon".

  3. You know, having ended up falling into the relic achievo grind myself, I have to ask…have you done any of the ARR relics yet?

    I'm only doing it for PLD and I wanna scream a little bit, I think I'd absolutely scream a lot of I was trying to get all of them

  4. i love crystal eureka. i haven't even done hydatos, i've just been cruising between pagos and pyros. love the crab & cassie crowd. 😀 hopefully i'll see you in instance sometime! i also thought those crystals might be something. i'm sure they're actually a secret hint to ryne's future somehow

  5. I'd watch videos on the other FFs but be careful, the series is long af lol. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on FF9 its my favorite and where I got my name from.

  6. Pagos was rough, it was the only area I wasn't able to complete all weapons before the next area was released. Though I was only farming light through NM since I was too lazy to kill dragons

  7. I wasn't around for the original Pagos so I couldn't say for sure, but it seems to me that the whole Eureka is a nod to classic MMOs and FFXI-type of grind, so no wonder it's tedious and annoying. I'm glad they nerfed it but still kept it "grindy", though, it's the whole point of the zone to work hard towards whatever goal you might have in it. Cool glowy armor? Relic weapons? Eventually a sick orb mount? Gotta sweat for it!

  8. Happy Bunny treasure hunts appeared as an easter egg in FF7 Rebirth. Chocobo treasure hunting always takes you to a place where a bunch of bunnies are, and early on an NPC comments that the rabbits always tend to nest near treasures.

    Floating Nightlight theory: Literally just that. SE couldn't figure out a way to cram enough light sources in the zone so friendly light elementals acting as floating floodlights was the answer.

  9. The floating nightlight is a Sundered light crystal. You must rejoin all the shards in order to increase your light gain bonus. (This message is not a plot by the Spriggan Ascians hoping to steal it once the crystal is complete again, we promise)

  10. I don't even play XIV but I'm a huge FFIV-FFIX fan. I love watching your videos. I'd absolutely love to watch you play through those old FF games. DO IT

  11. Eureka is overall an homage to FFXI (including the Optical Hat from Hakutaku which was a bonkers hat in that game despite looking incredibly dumb), and speculating on random stuff because no one actually understands how it works is a fine FFXI tradition.

  12. as an ex free trial player, you have no idea how much i wished i could shout every time i died in Pagos while leveling.
    being in a party was a must, but if you were low level, being in a party also gave no xp outside of NM, so that was fun.

    edit: also if you rp walk before dropping, you can literally drop on the dragon and it wont wake it up

  13. The best thing you can do if you wanna play with friends in Eureka, is trudge through Anemos to get max elemental level in there, and do the weeklies in there. Then, once you get to a relevant elemental level to actually party in Pagos, then you go there. The 8 level diff shit is dumb.

  14. I can't say for others, but I personally would love to see you play the other Final Fantasy games to see what the homage is. Ivalice has two games that take place there, Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII, and I believe FFXIV pays more homage to Final Fantasy Tactics with the Ivalice content if I remember right.

  15. The frozen nightlights are there specifically so the dragons have an easier time sniping unwary WoLs trying to grind Pagos. If it were dark, they wouldn't be able to see shit, and Yoshi-P wouldn't have the smug satisfaction of at least one relic grind being completely unreasonable.


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