The Healer is gonna learn to adjust today! #finalfantasy14 #ff14 #ff14memes #ffxivmemes #ffxiv


41 thoughts on “The Healer is gonna learn to adjust today! #finalfantasy14 #ff14 #ff14memes #ffxivmemes #ffxiv”

  1. I love that you chose Bardam's Mettle as the background, because I feel like that's THE DUNGEON that really first tests a healer's skill (at least these days). I always get nervous, regardless of job, when this one comes up on roulette, because it almost always goes south for any number of reasons.

  2. As an AST main I love and hate w2w pulls… I love it because it keeps me on my toes but hate it because it falls on me if everyone dies… But when I first did Bardam’s Mettle I was WHM… and holy cow that trash hits like a semitruck 😵‍💫

  3. As a healer, everything is just a challenge XD But pls watch over sprouts – one half is the lack of expierience – the other half is the Gearscore. And yes, it makes a Difference if youre low GS or max and so on. And Sometimes there are some who has very low lvl stuff on. XD

    I just love W2W pulls and especially with Low-GS tanks – in best case a darkknight. Its so much fun to finally use all youve got as a healer.

  4. So I don’t like entering 4-player dungeons as a tank. W2W is very tiring. I feel happier going into dungeons with NPCs. (・ัω・ั)
    As a dancer and tank in w2w, I will dance with them while running. When I get to the next group, the previous group has a chance to be eliminated.(ㆁωㆁ*)

  5. As a tank, I manly go with WAR, so the healer need to understand that they're only here for the ride. Just leave the healing to me. And the damage. Honestly, you can just walk, you're doing enough.

  6. I have the best tank friend ever, if i drop the ball on big pulls he always lets me have another crack at it and i usually get it the 2nd time around! I personally hate if the tank immediately does smaller pulls, i wanna be challenged and learn!!!

  7. Dps trying to control pull rate is wild. Im tank i will go wall 2 wall no matter what. Ita your trial by fire. What the newbie doesnt know is im a warrior and basically unkillable whenever i do proper rotation. So this will instill them with a massive confidence boost by end of dungeon. Ill pretend it was all them :3

  8. Après le vrai problème c’est pas les healers en vrai même un débutant peut largement gérer. Le vrai problèmes c’est les tanks débutants qui gèrent extrêmement mal leurs CD voir certains qui n’en mettent aucun

  9. Oh, you best believe I'll RPR tank. Did it one time with my now FC because we were just joshing around. I pulled so hard as RPR, the tank just quit having on their stance unless it was boss fight time. God, we had so much fun

  10. Please don't bring this sort of toxicity to this game and let sprouts learn at a pace they can handle. If the w2w pull(s) fail(s) don't just keep doing it with the ideal that your forcing your healer to improve because it really is annoying and can chase new healers away if they think every tank will act like a WoW player forcing a terrible meta mentality that sucks all the fun out of the game.


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