The FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3 Ending has BROKEN Chad Thorsen

The epic and touching conclusion to FFXIV Shadowbringers is finally here. This was by far the most impactful ending in FFXIV I have ever experienced. 5.3 truly delivers and sets expectations for all things to follow after this incredible moment in the game. FFXIV has one of the greatest stories ever told and I cannot wait to see where this story goes next.

You can find the other moments of the ending in the unedited FFXIV 5.3 stream on my main channel here:

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12 thoughts on “The FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3 Ending has BROKEN Chad Thorsen”

  1. It's quite incredible how easily you may feel for Elidibus. In just a few patch updates and the context from 5.0, it's normal for many to feel bad for him, even if we need to stop him.

    But goddamn I really feel like G'raha is our new super-bro. Protect our catboi at all cost.

  2. I love how Mrs. Chad comforted you, what a gentle, lovely person. And how you even in that instant shielded her from spoilers… It was a precious moment you've shared with us and I like to thank you expressly for that. The whole stream was a wild ride, which I enjoyed very much! 🤗👍💜

  3. Also additional detail, in case it was missed underneath the feels, as it was previously questioned by the Scions whether the Elidibus here is the same one that became the heart of Zodiark: yes he is. As confirmed with his last words, after the Sundering, I think the prayers of the Ancients and Elidibus' own will to save his friends, he was able to "withdraw himself from Zodiark" for them. As a result he is basically a weird Primal-Ascian, driven by the single purpose and prayer to bring them back, even if he can't remember why and to whom he made the promise to.

  4. 5.0 was the first time I considered FFXIV the best story I ever experienced in a video game. 5.3 reaffirmed it and Endwalker made it the best story I experienced in general. Videgame or not. This stream was emotionally taxing. No matter how many times I see Emet or young Elidibus' end, it hits me every time.
    BTW. Your fiance's a treasure. Heartwarming to see.

  5. Out of the couple of youtube clips I've seen of the ending, yours is the most genuine reaction I've seen, which I love. It's contrary to my reaction where as I was more stoic, not that I didn't feel sad, I just didn't cry. I guess I just can't "relate" to the situation as others. Some of the "Thank you for all you've done" kind of scenes are the ones that hit me the hardest.

  6. I remember back in ARR, during the CT questline shortly after meeting G'raha, you said something along the lines of "I don't know who this character is yet, but people seem to like him a lot." which always made me smile. Lots of us grew to like the character during that time and many more grew to love him during Shadowbringers.
    By now, I suppose it is safe to say that you see why everyone was happy for him to show up. =D
    The reason I'm bringing this up is because this part of the game still gets me. It doesn't matter that I know it's coming, it doesn't matter that I know how things turn out, I still get emotional. Every single time. So basically, this is me, trying to ignore the tears while thinking back on those days long past.

  7. I loved how we come to help the Exarch here. Not just because Teamwork and the power of Friendship are always appreciated, but more specifically because of the circumstances.
    He has had to fight his fight and carry the burden given to him alone for almost 100 years. And he added ever more duties on top of it. Could he have finished it alone? Possibly. But he didn't need to, because he wasn't alone, not anymore. The surprise and feelings on his face as we came to his aid always felt like he forgot that he's doesn't have to do this on his own anymore; our WoL's confident smile of "We will do this together." being such a poetic conclusion after we've had the help of everyone else at the end of 5.0.
    "Not even the most valliant heroes can stand alone" indeed.

    So much happens in these 13 minutes that take our emotions all over the place… it's no wonder that most of us break here, at one point or an other.
    Congrats on reaching this milestone Chad and may there be many more smiles and many more tears in the future!


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