The FFXIV Community Is Amazing – Paying It Forward

Since joining FFXIV the community has been amazing, everyone I’ve been has been super nice, wholesome and supportive. And as a FFXIV content creator, I’ve received more than my fair share of gifts.

So today I wanted to pay that forward to new players that maybe haven’t had that same experience. But show them how amazing and welcoming the FFXIV really is.

This is just a silly little FFXIV video that I wanted to make, I’m not sure how entertaining it will be, but its something I’ve wanted to do for awhile!

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31 thoughts on “The FFXIV Community Is Amazing – Paying It Forward”

  1. Honestly floored by the community overall. Even when I started back in 2.0 on PS3, I started off as Gladiator as I had a character idea in mind. I was wary of FC's because of bad experiences with Guilds in WoW, but then one day this guy comes up to me, chills out with me, asking me how I'm getting on with the game and if I would be interested in joining his FC. I joined since first impressions meant a lot to me, and only a short while later he came back to me in Ul'dah and gave me HQ gear for the level I was at.

    It is that spirit of community and uniting together, raising each person up, that seems to have permeated throughout every aspect of this game, even down to the people playing it. And if there is ever an opportunity now that I can do the same, I take it. It really is what keeps me playing the game, and I hope so much that it continues to be that same game for far more years to come.

  2. Well, guess Love Droplet's mission ended up being accepted by Medieval Marty.
    Do you still want the Flying Kitten as a reward? :p

    But I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to go through the pain of the new players on free trial. aaa.

  3. after watching this video i decided to follow suit! sadly im broke XD but i bought 8 Morbol seedling pets and passed them out to low level sprouts in your honor! 😀

  4. This warms my heart Marty. I do something similar on my server with new players. Anything from from gil to minions to mounts. Its a great way to interact, and make new players feel like they are welcomed.

  5. This reminds me of all the gear I used to give to the newer members of my FC. The total value probably came to a few million, though I've always been the top five richest members of my FC. Though most of my FC mates have been on the sub 100k types. I haven't been too active in my FC lately, but I think I'll go out and do this sort of thing again for some randos.

    Also, did you know that the shoulder sitting minions, when you're a Lala, they sit on your head instead? Another reason to fantasia to Lala if you ask me ^_^

  6. Completely disagree. This meme needs to die. The ffxiv community, for the most part, is full of insecure, whiney, adult children who cannot fathom criticism for any aspect of their “””perfect””” game.

    Regurgitating this nonsense narrative over and over is not going to help anyone or shed light on the real problems this game has. But…enjoy your views and fake support friendo. Now say something against the game and let’s see how awesome the community is.

  7. You're becoming an actual ambassador to the game, my guy. As a player from 2.0 until now, it warms my heart to see people getting into this. The community can be….jarring both ways….but overall its fantastic. Thanks for bringing some light to something that a lot of us have been enjoying for years. I look forward to all the fresh life that people like you are bringing! We can be a meme for sure, but this shit is for real fun. The amount of people on the trial show it, haha.

  8. Man this is so wholesome. If you wanna get some more stuff for new peeps, you can actually gather some some minions (and get like 6 from a node), like the mandragora. They don't sit on your shoulder but they're easy to get =3

  9. I got so much help, i couldn't wait until i could help others! Still when I know something someone else doesn't i jump all over it LOL always down to help before self prog!!!

  10. It's just really satisfying to do this sort of thing. I've been handing out umbrellas to sprouts when its raining in cities, and most diddnt even know umbrella's exist and get all giddy, it's great <3

  11. So freaking wholesome ❤️ I've been wanting to make rings for sprouts. I've noticed that many sprouts are still rocking lvl 1 rings at lvl 30 and whatnot. Unfortunately I'm shy.

  12. When I first started playing FF14 around mid-August this year, I was new, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed. I spotted an Owlet on someone's shoulder in Gridania's conjurer guild (my first class) and nearly lost my shit. I became so determined to spend my first few thousand gil getting it, and so I did. That lil guy sat on my shoulder for a straight month while I finished ARR. Now I've just finished Stormblood and have a myriad of adorable minions to cycle through, currently stuck on the adorable Nutkin. Truly a wonderful part of the game.

  13. When I started and did some Fates as a low level sprout with no idea what I was doing, there was always the random person scooting by dropping heals or cheers. Lots of advice and just a genuinly warm welcome which really helped me overcome that initial social barrier of just talking to people.
    And now its one of my favourite hobbies. Logging on after a long day just not really wanting to grind, just flying across the starting areas and dropping heals and advice to sprouts and giving back to the community that gave me such a nice welcome.
    A little kindness goes a long way. Shows when even a massive introvert like me now goes out to the clubs and chats with random people on the fly which made the game just so much better.


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