The Extreme That Broke Us – Shadowbringers FFXIV

We completed our “victory lap” of 5.0 extremes. This is the aftermath.

Link to the livestream:

0:00 – Extremes are Extreme
2:41 – Growing as Players
7:45 – The Dancing Plague
13:23 – The Crown of the Immaculate
20:21 – Hades Elegy

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31 thoughts on “The Extreme That Broke Us – Shadowbringers FFXIV”

  1. To answer your final question. The final x.0 and x.3 bosses tend to be difficult and transformative, and you've done the EX of every one of those that you've come across to date. Every other EX fight is more along the lines of Titania. If you enjoyed the normal (like Susano) you might have fun doing the EX because it's more of what you enjoyed. If you did NOT like the normal (Lakshmi) then the EX is not going to change your mind. So if the idea of doing a boss again excites you, have at it! Otherwise you are not missing out.

  2. Great video, always love hearing your reflections. The motivation to improve after encountering harder content rings very true.
    I'm not sure I've seen you acknowledge it, a lot of the arenas in these fights have lines and graphics drawn on them that help show where certain mechanics blow up. For example, that "chandelier" phase explosion is bigger than the marker, but the explosion is exactly the size of the circular lines on the arena floor. Helps remove some ambiguity.

  3. Lakshmi EX isn't too bad. If you liked the music, I say do it.
    The best part about her is how the story treats her as an entity- similar to Susano, she's not just "Am Primal, Convert Or Die".
    She wants you, yes. But she sees you all resisting, and instead of being angry, she's like "Well, all right. How about if I try a little harder to persuade you?" and accepts the challenge to prove she can do it, that she's actually worthy of your supplication.

  4. 35:40 If you guys want to do Ultimates, Tessan Twintails has an AMAZING guide that (mostly) follows the clees written guide for UCoB, and also has another guide for UWU- sounds like a whole stream just to unlock them though. Gotta go back to Stormblood and beat Exdeath in Savage, then Kefka in Savage.

  5. great video, heads up usually the first 2 extremes in an expansion are much easier than the rest. they always treat those as "what if its this players first extreme" and then they get a bit tougher as they go out from there. also every extreme from X.1 and X.3 patch has a special name from the yoshi p NPC, with 1 exception

    Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane (final boss of 2.0 msq, released on patch 2.1)
    Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign (final boss of 3.0 msq, released on patch 3.1)
    Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage (final boss of Heavensward msq, released on patch 3.3)
    Minstrel's Ballad: : Shinryu's Domain (final boss of 4.0 msq, released on patch 4.1)
    Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain (final boss of stormblood msq, released on patch 4.3)
    Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy (final boss of 5.0 msq, released on patch 5.1)
    funny enough patch 5.3 extreme is not referred to as a minstrel's ballad, this is the 1 exception.
    this was the cycle we had until endwalker launch when yoshi p said they were changing up how they did story patches.

    the x.3 extremes are "usually" the hardest extremes of the expansion as well. thought you'd like some context why titania and innocence felt so much easier than hades. plus you guys have skipped every trail series which has an extreme version of each boss. those are decent in between in terms of challenging content for some ppl, and more enjoyable. most of the banger music comes from extreme trails imo. every expansion has a trail series that contains, 3 trail fights, the patch x.2, x.4 and x.5 fights. so you guys are missing about 9 extreme fights from the hw/sb/shb. with their own little stories used for world building.

  6. I think Titania was the only standard EX you guys have done? Minstrel Balads have more room for renovations, big changes, and extra phases where as labeled EX fights are more the original fight but harder.

  7. Susano is great. Lakshmi is meh. Ravana was fun at level but pretty simple. Hell's Kier was fun but ddr gets annoying. I loved Ramuh, but that's mostly about the music. Others that you haven't gotten to yet.

  8. You should definitely try all of the extremes. In terms of difficulty, I'd say you've done the three most difficult ones so far.

    In terms of Frustration, I'd rank them from Most to Least as (for ARR):
    Ramuh Ex
    Leviathan Ex
    Titan Ex
    Garuda Ex
    Ifrit Ex

    Ultima Weapon (haven't done synced)

    I have not done most other extremes synced, other than one in ShB that technically doesn't have a normal trial (you haven't done it yet). That one may prove frustrating but is pretty well telegraphed and consistent. In terms of Extremes that even unsynced are a PitA from most to less but still a PITA:
    Bismarck (looong scripted stuff)
    The last trial in the optional trial series in ShB
    The second to last trial in the optional trial series in ShB

  9. I would really suggest doing all the extremes if times allow it. Some are good, some are great, some are a bit… dated. But all of them are a fun experience. Also: you might wanna do the mount farming; if you get all the mounts from one EX-Season (expansion) you get a special extra one.
    And you guys want contend for after MSQ. EX runs are always a possibility for that.
    And then there are the fun ways of figuring out how to solo them, or how to kill some of them in under 3 seconds. 😀

  10. I think looking at more extremes, you might have a better time doing the ones from the Shadowbringers trial series as they crop up, rather than looking to the past too much. I can certainly think of one or two ShB extremes I think you guys are going to want to do, and more besides as you venture into Endwalker.

  11. In 2.0 the wall the community had to endure was titan hard mode. It was the most present problem for all of us, yeah there was coils but couls wasn't something widely pursued while titan was something that was necessary and what I love most about those moments is how they were the starting point for the community's training montage. With every new fight came a new mechanic a new plateu a new level that we all needed to reach in order to surpass ourselves and all the fights and the extremes show how weve all been trained to overcome every challenge and its so fun to realize the community's player growth

  12. I've never done high level content before, I was always afraid of raiding in WoW and I did Sophia Unreal for the first time in an FC group last week and it was a lot of fun. FYI if you haven't encountered the term Unreals are rescaled versions of the fight to match minimum ilvl in difficulty but you play through at your end game level so I had my full level 90 rotation. There is one Unreal per major patch after which a new one rotates in.

  13. I would add the clarification Optimally onto "This game is hard to learn" as, it's not really hard to learn, but it is hard to learn to play optimally. And the best part, really unless you're doing savage or ultimate raids, you don't need to. it helps, but isn't required. (extremes are on the edge of what you can still do without playing optimally but as long as you're trying and aren't doing it at minimum ilvl, you're fine)

    Healers are one of the hardest to get used to playing "optimally" if you have come from other standard MMOs (such as WoW), as it's hard to get out of the mindset of "always be hardcasting heals", as optimal only wants to hardcast heals if you can't get by with your ability heals.

  14. fastest EX clear… SO FAR!! that 1st EW EX to me felt way easier then Twintania.. the 2nd one alot harder XD
    that last section of the Hades i havnt done the way i believe its ment to be done either. (as there are 1 or 2 tiny ass mostly safe spots u can use and just have your healers heal the minimal damage)

  15. Someone's probably already mentioned this, but in regards to guides and the BiS for gear and rotations, the balance discord server has been the go to place for all end game raiders.
    Its very much worth checking out if you want to see how you can improve your rotation etc

  16. Chat's pain of "YOU DO E4 ON SAVAGE!!!" was not hyperbole for the 1 time you tried it, heh. The hard versions of raids get downright evil with mechanics and extra phases.


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