At long last KingdomAce FINALLY finished Shadowbringers and can now react to the HIGHLY anticipated NEW FF14 Expansion trailer and it’s Benchmark trailer, Endwalker. And let’s just say, I loved it to the moon and back.
Endwalker Trailer: 00:45
Benchmark Trailer: 7:55
Male Viera Creation: 14:50
🏰 Colossians 3:13 NKJV
bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.
📹Intro by CraziiNav:
🖼️Thumbnail Artist: KingdomAce
🎬Footage by: Me, Square Enix
Chunk vid, here's some CHAPTERS:
Endwalker Trailer: 00:45
Benchmark Trailer: 7:55
Bunny Boy Maker: 14:50
I cannot wait for Endwalker to come out and to see everyone react to it!!
Welcome to the "Endwalker Waiting Room" xD Three months to go! ;w;
Damn this trailer still gives me chills. Much respect to your vids mate
Did I see CG Thancred? 👀👀👀
I’ve been in love with your theory crafting and analysis vids forever man, even when you’re just spitballing midstream. Now that you’re all caught up, excited to see what videos you’ll be making
All these chores got me ready to Uber some oxtails and baked mac n cheese to this one! Should I give in or nah? Lol
Can't wait for this one, I wouldnt have watched it without this channel, I'm very exited to see some further stuff about this game from the your channel. Very cool vid!
It's vritra, the youngest of the first brood
Fandanial makes kefka look sane
The only thing I’m not looking forward to with Endwalker… is that it comes out for Early Access the same day as Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. ;A;
A lot of things were explained in the Fan Fest. A new beast tribe will be living on the moon, and they’ll be small bunnies.
5:47 proof that Y'shtola is blind, she would've walked directly into the desks behind her.