The Difference Between Tug Types in FFXIV Fishing (With Examples!)

A short guide on the visual and audio differences between the different tug (bite) types in FFXIV. Made for the Fisherman’s Horizon Discord FAQ (see link below to join!)

0:00 Intro & What to know ahead of time
0:10 Light Tugs (!)
0:30 Strong Tugs (!!)
0:51 Ferocious Tugs (!!!)

– Each tug type has a unique sound and animation. If you’re on controller, they have a unique rumble too (increasing in length and intensity for increasing tug strength)
– If you don’t see the !’s above your head when fishing, or want to turn them off, you can toggle them in Battle Effects / Personal in your settings.

Light Tugs (! bites) have a light tension sound and cause the rod tip to bounce slightly.
Strong Tugs (!! bites) have a stronger tension sound and cause the whole rod to bounce.
Ferocious Tugs (!!! bites) have a wood creaking sound and the whole rod bends towards the water. If you are sitting, you will also stand up on a successful !!! hook.

PS: This is also the first time I’ve posted a 1440p video and included ingame audio. Please let me know what you think.

💬Want to chat with more fishers? Join the Fisherman’s Horizon Discord:
🐤Have fishing questions or requests for guides? Follow me on twitter!


4 thoughts on “The Difference Between Tug Types in FFXIV Fishing (With Examples!)”

  1. Love it. That advice regarding standing up on a successful ferocious tug is something o stumbled on by accident and it's saved me a lot of unnecessary anguish while fishing. Thank you for all your fishing videos!

  2. So sitting has successful catch effect if I'm after !!! ? Cause I'm trying to catch Jacques The Snipper it runs away! Also i really wanna thank you so much because of your guides i have finally finished the FSH sidequest Feast of Famine so thank you ^_^ <3

  3. I'm really after Blessed Tackleking's Rod for glam i think it's the best looking rod in the entire game. If you have all the achievements rods + relic would be great if you do a showcase video for these various rods.


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