The BIG Reason I Quit WoW for FFXIV (@ZeplaHQ) | LilCozyGamer Reacts

#lilcozygamerreacts #5

Hi everyone! in todays video we are reacting to “The BIG Reason I Quit WoW for FFXIV” By ZeplaHQ! I got so much out of hearing another wow player talk about their experience from back when I was really struggling too. 🫶✨

ZeplaHQs channel: @ZeplaHQ
The Video:

Here is the links to our discord server: ✨🌱

★ What server are you playing on?
– EU – Alpha

✿ FAQ ✿
→ What are you playing on?
• In this video it’s on my pc

→ Where is the music from?
• They are all from Artlist

→ What is your setup?
• Two monitors and my pc. Usually the one of them is connected to my switch. I want a third one, just for the switch

→ What games do you play?
• I mostly play wow and ff14 + switch games like acnh

→ Where are you from?
I am from Denmark

♡ Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you game too or have suggestions to fun games ♡

✽ Filmed with a Canon EOS M50
✽ Edited in VLLO


14 thoughts on “The BIG Reason I Quit WoW for FFXIV (@ZeplaHQ) | LilCozyGamer Reacts”

  1. I played WoW for 14 years. I left just after the end of BfA.

    I just didn't feel it anymore. I was farming the Blackrock Foundry in Gorgrond and realized I was there to get a piece of gear I didn't even really want. I just had the other pieces of that set (Paladin), and my grinder brain said, "well, you have most of the set, keep grinding for the rest."

    So I left WoW, and I figured that was it for me and MMO's. I had tried FF years earlier and liked it, but I was too invested in WoW to really give it much of a shot–plus, Heavensward had only just released. Nevertheless, I decided to give FF one more try.

    I still remember my "this is home" moment. I can't tell you what it is without spoiling anything, but I look forward to seeing you get there. I'll be smiling when the day arrives.😁

  2. After 15 years playing wow i made the best decision in my gamer life to try ff14 …. I quit wow for gw 2 2 years ago and then try ff14. FF14 become home i rly need at the time. To be honest GW 2 blow my mind when i first start it…. the game that no one talks about was soo much better than wow …. this make me wanna try other games and this zepla video + some friends are the reason to try ff14. FF14 its one of few games that i felt the love developers have for their game….<3

  3. Zepla always tries her best to not spoil anyone and always put warnings if there are spoilers <3 ^^. Haha soo many good WoW memories. Though when she talked about how lonely she felt during garrisons I felt that it brought it all back T_T. I was so burnt out and I didn't even know. I was raiding at that time and my mental health was pretty bad. So much yelling and screaming, to this day I still have dreams of my boss at work screaming at me like the raid leader o_o;.

  4. The social aspect of FF14 is a scary thing. Because you are a content creator and such, you have people who want to follow your journey.
    For me it was very different. Most of my experience was doing things alone, exeriencing things alone and I barely had anyone to share those experiences.
    Ofc I did have 2 friends who would help me out here and there, but because I was sooo hyperfocused on progressing the story it meant I was very limited in social aspects of the game.

    I do hope that people stay with you until the end, since the game reaaaly shines when you have other people with you and you form an FC as you have.
    But it took me quite a while to find my FC and my place in FF14 and since I found that place, it has been a blast.

  5. Yea comparing the two MMOs is kinda like comparing an apple to a lemon. They look and taste different, some people prefer one over the other, some like people both, some people like neither, and both have their own benefits, but they are both still fruit.

  6. a lot happened since this twitter post yes.the ceo who reportly send e-mails to the employees and tells them to stfu is re-elected, the woman they tried to install in various positions quit after short time and theres a lot of fruitbowls ingame.


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