The Beginning of the END.. | FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough

First time playthrough and reaction to the beginning of Endwalker! I hope you enjoy!

Shadowbringers 5.5 Ending:

Shadowbringers Cinematic Recap:

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

Endwalker Trailer Reaction:

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00:00:0000:05:02 Intro & Recap
00:05:0200:09:57 Rising Stones
00:09:5700:16:23 Boarding the Ship
00:16:2300:25:18 Hydaelyn & Title
00:25:1800:34:16 Sharlayan
00:34:1600:35:48 Endwalker Welcome
00:35:4800:47:47 Sharlayan Tour
00:47:4700:50:45 Baldesion Annex
00:50:4500:57:28 Scion Meeting
00:57:2801:15:53 Sharlayan Questline
01:15:5301:24:40 The Last Stand
01:24:4001:28:26 Coffee with Alisaie
01:28:2601:28:42 Outro

#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv


11 thoughts on “The Beginning of the END.. | FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough”

  1. 20:23 — 7 Calamities, 7 Re-joinings. Whenever a Calamity happened in the past (the last Calamity was 5 years ago when Dalamud fell and Bahamut broke free), it meant one of the Shards was rejoined with the Source. Its save to assume, that the Ascians had a hand in all of these events in some way, shape or form.

    20:49 — Remember in post-ARR, when you fought that mustache-twirling Ascian, Nabriales, when Moenbryda died… Minfilia was crying for Hydaelyn's help but the goddess (or primal… whichever you prefer) didnt have the strength to help. And then of course Minfilia's sacrifice, giving herself to Hydaelyn, which gave her a bit strength, and then later in post-HW the "gift of Light" from us and the Warriors of Darkness… which gave her enough strength so Minfilia could be separated again and save the First – or at least forstall doom.

    1:05:54 — Another Calamity, another Shard re-joined with the Source.

    1:15:03 — Nah… I already didnt like Y'shtola's change in ShB… in EW, I started to really dislike her. Just really dont care for her…

    1:23:21 — Thiefs. They are thiefs, if you really think about it. Stealing ressources and the fruits of other people's discoveries from all over the world under pretense of "preserving" knowledge – which they merely hoard and lock away. – Yes, I really didnt like Sharlayan… still not quite sold on them, but hey, we're getting there… maybe… XD

    1:24:02 — Sharlayan is located in the "Northern Reaches", so its quite cold up there XD

    1:28:12 — Just love how your character just looks like the dad now XD

  2. 10:42 Alphinaud is still traumatized by ghosts.

    19:20 Venat said all the way back when we first learned her name after Anamnesis Anyder that the form she would take would forever remain her choice.

    26:40 Yeah, he's one of us. One of the warmongering savages as far as Sharlayan is concerned.

    31:55 Yeah. Varlineau is his real surname. Wyrmblood is simply a battle earned title.

    34:20 So, friend. How does this welcome compare to the one you received in the Crystarium?

    46:55 Yeah, Sharlayan is so freaking atmospheric.

    1:23:50 Yeah, Sharlayan is way, way north of Ishgard. I always thought of it as a lot like England, in that it would be completely frozen over if not for warm ocean currents from the west.

  3. "And what , pray tell, is your 'profession' now?"

    They missed a golden opportunity here for a joke. They should have had Estinien refer to himself as a "free lancer".

  4. When I started Endwalker, I only had Dragoon and Gunbreaker at level 80, but every single crafting and gathering job maxed. The "Artisan by trade" option seemed appropriate. 😀


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