The Beauty Of Trying Final Fantasy XIV Raids In 2022

So I’ve reached a point in FFXIV where it’s time to try out ARR’s raids! The Crystal Tower and Coils Of Bahamut have been exciting experiences and stories thus far. In this video, I go over my experience with each.

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14 thoughts on “The Beauty Of Trying Final Fantasy XIV Raids In 2022”

  1. ‘Savage’ is for the 8 man raids, ‘extreme’ is for the 8 man trials. Coils doesn’t have a savage version because it was meant to be the savage difficulty itself. All future 8 man raids have a normal version and a savage version. Alliance raids don’t have higher difficulties, though.

  2. Glad to hear you got these varied experiences this soon into the game, hope you had a great time and can't wait to see/hear your reactions going forward with progressively newer content.

  3. This is when the spine of the game really starts to fuse. Like you assumed, story is everything in FFXIV and, unlike a lot of other MMOs, the story revolves around the player's character. Your character is VITAL to the tale. You're not just a peripheral character like so many other MMOs where you might be "assisting" the overall themes or story – you are the very reason the tale exists to begin with. They even find a way to wrap a story around the higher versions of trials and raids too. Sure, it might be thin, but it's there! The writing team are true artisans when it comes to later expansions and by the time you make it to Endwalker it feels as if it's one cohesive epic. FFXIV players thrive on watching others as they go through this the first time because it's as close as we can get to experiencing it ourselves for the first time again. 🙂

  4. Glad you're enjoying. I'm also new in 2022 and am just now going back to the old 8-man normal raids. The stories associated with 8-man and alliance raids in the expansions (caveat, I haven't fully played through the 8-man raids except the current ones) aren't as key to the main story as Crystal Tower and Coils are, but some of them are interesting. The mechanics gradually matter more even synced down. I think you'll have more fun as you go along. The hardcore raiders tell me everything but savage is a joke, but I'm challenged by the normal and alliance raids in the expansions, so they're fun for me. I guess a lot of the challenge is trying to learn and remember a decade's worth of fight mechanics in a few months. I'm thinking in a year or so I should have them all committed to memory just in time for a new expansion.

  5. Welcome WoL, it doesn't quite give you the experience of when it first came out because the jobs and skills are very very different to when it first came out and the difficulty is sadly not like for like. Jobs have been homogenised, tanks don't get to stance dance, as a warrior you would have loved deliverance as a tanks stance, you dont require much effort to keep and earn emnity anymore, debuffs, cross class abilities and all that have gone into 2 minute burst windows. But the story and the gameplay despite it moving on is still great entertainment. Keeping enjoing like I do WoL

  6. Min ilvl is something you only really experience organically with everyone when a new expansion or patch comes out. I remember my friends and I going through the level 79 dungeon. It was a great experience, but as a healer, it really put me through the paces! We were only geared in dungeon drops (for the most part), and I remember certain mob pulls where I almost lost my tank! It was exciting ^_^ Though, late game you have more skills at your disposal and it is "safer" in a way, there are still definitely challenges to be had though!

    I've dabbled in raiding not to mention there are challenges like Palace of the Dead/Heaven on High and the new Variant/Criterion dungeons (level 90 the latter ones!). Anyone who reaches end game and says they have "nothing to do" has not branched out into the optional content.

    Crystal tower is the only mandatory raid series in the game at present, though I kinda wish everyone would unlock the 60/70/80 raids just so I can see them more often in roulettes.


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