Tech Demo: Immerse Spatial Audio in FFXIV

Experience 360 spatial audio in FFXIV with Immerse Gamepack. Try it free at

Shiva was our first choice when searching for a setting in which to best experience and showcase Immerse Spatial Audio. Prepare to experience icy death from everywhere – Around, Behind, and Above you.


38 thoughts on “Tech Demo: Immerse Spatial Audio in FFXIV”

  1. If you don't hear a difference, you probably don't have/use the necessary hardware/software for it. I use a steelseries arctic 7 and have 7.1 ss on. I hear a massive difference. Don't know if I like it that much though

  2. Any idea how much the licence will cost ? normally it's around 14$/y , no price for xiv yet. (nvm, apparently it's around 20$, but it's a one time purchase, unlike the other service)

  3. audio-technica m50 here, there's a difference but others sounds that would be "in front" of the character, are like "at the other room" and with all of those aoe's at the second phase my ears died it was a lot of sound, idk if it was good or bad. But what i know is that it hurt my ears a lot.

  4. It's definitely difficult to hear the difference from usual since typically we have the background music playing as well. I look forward to hearing an example which shows both with and without your spatial audio so I can really hear the difference so I can make a more informed decision.

  5. im definitely interrested in checking it out, however i have a problem on the Homepage. Everytime i try to Sign up to be notified for the Early Acess i get the error :" An error occured when submitting. Please try again later." Usually i try it then later again, but i have this problem now 10 hrs…. Has someone Similiar problems, or maybe the Solution?
    PS: sry for my bad English, but its not my main language

  6. Yeah I need some A/B testing with and without, because I can't even tell if this is based on camera or character positions. I'm not a sound engineer or audiophile so I can't even tell what's being demoed here.

  7. Okay yeah it sounds spatial alright. Listening to this on FA9's, the attacks sound so cheap and tinny though. It's not good. It sounds bad. I don't know why I would want to use this.

  8. The sounds sound muddy, not as high quality as they do normally. It's like you took the treble and bass out and just left the muffled middle. Still interested in trying it, it could just be youtube weirdness.

  9. I hear the spatial aspect which is great but the sound from the game sounds worse than it normally does. I'm not sure if it's how you guys are balancing the audio or Youtube compression or what but this video isn't really doing you guys any favors.

  10. Guess this is designed for for headphones right? I think FFXIV already has an impressive quality audio and sounds perfectly localized already on my 5.1 Klipsch surround setup. Don't really understand what's being offered here.


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