Sprout Jake Reacts to Final Fantasy XIV Job Actions: A Realm Reborn

In this reaction video, I react to Final Fantasy XIV Job Actions: A Realm Reborn. If you like it, please give it a like!

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Thank you to Matchwk for the video recommendation!

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-Sprout Jake


36 thoughts on “Sprout Jake Reacts to Final Fantasy XIV Job Actions: A Realm Reborn”

  1. Warriors use an Axe – Paladins use a one-hand sword and shield. They have similar but different abilities. The Dark Knight uses a Two-Handed Sword. The Gunbreaker uses a Gunblade.

    In FFXIV every Job is expected to DPS – including the Healers (White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian, and the upcoming Sage).

    I've leveled everything to 80 but my favorite is Dancer – I love the mobility.

    I have a video I made on using Macros to Job Switch – where you can see at least a preview of each https://youtu.be/UWJ344Yj0T4?t=161

    HeavensWard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbvv0rgrT4k

  2. Think of Warrior as a berserk Tank, Monks' skillset gets a bit more animated at higher levels and the claws look pretty neat, Whm does have damaging attacks, but it's very few at most 5 skills do damage. For BRD the music does dmg to the enemies while buffing the players for some time. BLM that was Blizzard II and Freeze. I have leveled pretty much every class, I'm lacking 5 jobs hitting the 80 level cap and I can say I enjoy a lot of the jobs. As for my favorite class well at the moment, it is Dancer, but I'm planning to switch over to Sage once Endwalker hits and I don't like healing. xD

  3. If you don't like moving, black mage is the best class ,nobody expects black mage to move out of aoes because they have a long cast time, ley lines (sigil on the ground that I assume gives more damage (I don't play black mage :p )), and manaward (big shield ability to tank hits)

  4. Freeze used to be a useless BLM ability. It had to be aimed and placed and had a cast time. All it did was a bind or something.

    Now it is targetable (AoE around the target) and it grants a stack of Umbral Ice AND it serves to switch without removing Fire (with a trait).

  5. The funny thing is this game is extremely alt friendly, so you can pick up every one of these classes plus all the additional classes (red mage, samurai, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, etc…) whenever you want. I can understand the caster mentality, currently leveling a summoner and it’s a bit of fun. But try out classes that look cool later on down the line. I recommend Dragoon. Great party buffs and so many flavors of dive. Plus they are the face of the first expansion Heavensward.

  6. What's crazy is that since this is 1.0 some of these skills/spells may no longer be there or have changed, but their play styles are very much the same for all the classes shown here.

    What Palladin has over Warrior is lots of damage mitigating skills and a healing spell while Warrior is more dps heavy and has skills that increase their HP (I unfortunately have not leveled WAR so if anyone can verify or add then please feel free).

    And with Bard they primarily only use a bow, which doubles as the harp/musical instrument they use (you'll see most BRD's with what looks like a harp on their backs but it opens up to a bow when used) to cast the party buffs through their songs.

    I used to be an archer/bard but with my second time playing I went with Summoner and have not looked back. Initially picked it up since I could have my own mini party with a summon and companion (chocobo) while battling running fates and any non-instanced fights. Little did I know that I had chosen the job with the longest rotation but got used to it in no time. Since then I've leveled just about everything but WAR and MNK. For tank I main Dark Knight, my healer is Scholar (which levels alongside Summoner since Arcanist is the main class for both) and my for fun job is Ninja.

    And that's one of the beauty's of this game is that you can level all these jobs under one character. So play to your hearts content.

  7. There's a good video called "Basically, which job" by Larryzaur that has a good look at all the jobs in their current forms without any spoilers and a little bit of humor.

  8. I apologize for the huge block of text, but here's some explanations of classes;
    So Paladins, have very low damage output, with very high natural defenses, and not many defense buffs, but they make up for it with their shield which offers constant damage reduction, to make up for their lack of buffs and normal damage options, they have many spells which are used for both damage and self and party utility, including a very powerful healing magic,
    Warriors however have a very decent constant output, with many self buffs, very flashy and purposefully intense, they also have a berserk mechanic which lasts 10 seconds to try to eek out maximum possible damage (which at later levels during berserk, you have new harder hitting attacks)
    WHM has the most damage out of the healers, but that doesn't mean it has many damage options, just the ones it does have are very good,
    RDM is mostly casting with a gauge/release mechanic, where you charge up a gauge, and then expend that gauge for magic based melee attacks, that at later levels, completing the enchanted melee combo will give you one (or two) uses of enhanced magic, also they can use cure and resurrection, very good, very fun, very mobile

  9. Thaumaturge —- > Black mage at 30. This was my first job on my main character. The only 80 i have. Black mage is a fun range dps to play, but its hard at lv80 up till you learn the rotation and positioning. BLM is heavy on positioning on boss fights.

  10. For these are prolly the closest WoW Equivalence:
    Gladiator/Paladin: Prot Pally
    Marauder/Warrior: if Arms Warrior was a tank
    (Heavensward DLC starts Lvl 30) Dark Knight: Blood DK
    (Shadowbringers DLC starts lvl 60)Gunbreaker: eh more like Tank Demon Hunter

    Conjurer/White Mage: Resto Druid
    Arcanist goes into Scholar also as well as Summoner: Disc priest if it had a pet,
    (Heavensward DLC Starts 30)Astrologian: Old School Resto Druids that used Totems for buffs,

    Pugilist/Monk: Windwalker Monk
    Lancer/Dragoon: i would say the closest equivalent would be DPS Demon Hunter,
    Rogue/Ninja: mix of Combat & Assassination Rogue,
    (Stormblood DLC Starts lvl 50)Samurai: old School 2h Fury Warrior

    Ranged Physical
    Archer/Bard: if Marksman Hunters gave buffs,
    (Heavensward DLC lvl 30) Machinist: Mix of Survival and Marksman Hunter,
    Dancer: Doesnt really have an Equivalent but lets say if Enhancement hunters were ranged had totems and were mostly supportive,

    Thamaturge/Black Mage: Pyro and Frost Mage/Destro Lock,
    Arcanist/Summoner: Affliction/ Demonology Warlock
    (Stormblood DLC lvl 50) Red Mage: harder to describe because it has a melee and caster rotation you can mix this with Ele Shaman, Balance Druid, and very very small dab of rogue

  11. Warrior and Paladin are both tanks. All jobs can do all content (with the exception of blue mage) so it’s all about how the jobs feel to play within their roles in a party. I’m a dark knight/paladin main and I play those because I like the way their rotations work, (also hallowed ground and the blackest night). doesn’t hurt that my co-tank in my static is a gunbreaker/warrior.

    All healers have DPS skills and their DPS is almost always required for harder content.

    For bards, the weapon switch you saw was the animation showing that the character played one of their songs, abilities that buff the party, unlock/proc skills, and a bunch of other stuff.

    You will still need to weave and dodge mechanics for pretty much all fights. Heads up about BLM, it has the longest cast times of all casters, so it’s an easy class to learn but a hard class to master.

    I’m sure I’m not the only one to say this, but I highly recommend picking up all the jobs, even if just to test them out. I started out on monk and cleared my first extreme current trial on monk, but if I hadn’t picked up the dark knight quest on a whim, I wouldn’t have discovered my love of tanking in FFXIV

  12. I would love to see you reaact to other FFXIV creators videos/tutorials ^^ hopefully that would go down well with crediting and all , a personal favorite creator of myne is Zepla , she might be able to teach you allot as allot of her videos are beginner friendly !

  13. I'm paying attention to the comments. I've been playing the game today, and recorded that… I will upload it along with Shadowbringers job guide tomorrow. I'm sorry I got the wrong one.

    -Sprout Jake

  14. Healer:

    All healer have damage ability, and it is expected from healer to do dps in FFXIV.

    On higher content, most of the fight will have DPS check, and healer have to do maximum damage as high as they could and heal occasionally.

    The main job is still to heal, but most of the time healer have to really understand the boss attack pattern in order to know when they should heal, shield, mitigate or attack

    As for the weave, oh you will weave, all job at some point have to weave

  15. All classes/jobs can clear all content in this game, play what you like and try out whatever piques your interest

    Original Classes and their corresponding Jobs from 1.0
    Gladiator -> Paladin (sword and board tank, high defense with lower damage dealing compared to Warrior)
    Marauder -> Warrior (great axe tank, high damage dealing with slightly lower defense compared to Paladin)
    Pugilist -> Monk (hand to hand melee dps, uses positionals for damage boosts, chains skills as combos for extra damage)
    Conjurer -> White Mage (classic pure/regen healer, has some damage spells)
    Archer -> Bard (long range bow dps, uses music for support skills buffing and debuffing)
    Lancer -> Dragoon (spear melee dps, jumping skills, slower than monk, but hits harder comparatively)
    Thaumaturge -> Black Mage (magic ranged dps, a turret/glass cannon)

    Added for 2.0 – A Realm Reborn
    Arcanist -> Scholar (barrier and regen healer with a fairy familiar) or Summoner (summoned familiar magic dps)
    they both level up simultaneously as the exp bar is considered "for the arcanist"

    Added in 2.X patches
    Rogue -> Ninja (melee dps, high speed combos and ninja magic)

    Added in 3.0 – Heavensward (jobs start at lv30)
    Dark Knight (great sword tank)
    Machinist (gun long range dps, uses mechanical tools)
    Astrologian (barrier and regen healer, uses astrology and tarot cards for buffs)

    Added in 4.0 – Stormblood (jobs start at lv50)
    Red Mage (uses offensive magics from both Blm and Whm along with a few healingspells, also does close range dps with a sword)
    Samurai (great katana melee dps, chains their sword skills for massive damage)

    Added in 5.0 – Shadowbringers (jobs start at lv60)
    Dancer (ranged dps, buffs with dance steps and can stack abilities for extra damage)
    Gunbreaker (gunblade tank, a tank that can deal strong dps with good combo abilities)

    To be added in 6.0 – Endwalker
    Sage (healer that uses floating crystals… we'll know more details as we get closer to the next expansion)
    Reaper (scythe melee dps… we'll know more details as we get closer to to the expansion)

  16. awe sadly my main isn't here. Darknight main here. (kind of like a deathknight I guess and has the best job quest by far.) but I understand why as these look to be the classes you can get in the beginning.

  17. Bards are archers that learned how to use their bow as an instrument. So they buff by playing music and kill by powerful arrow attacks. No need to be scared about looking or acting to feminine =P Bard's rain of arrows attacks couldn't be cooler!

  18. My favorite is summoner. It was the first job I picked when I started because I'm a big fan of final fantasy X and Yuna. I love standing at a distance being able to check out the whole arena and of course calling down big summons to blast my enemies away. Also it got a lot more movement than black mage so if I need to move out of something I normally can. Switching pets depending on need, being rather tactical about the fight is also a big plus of playing summoner. Also the dot spreading spell is heaven sent when taking down big groups of trash before bosses.

  19. First of all: Welcome to the FFXIV community! We‘re happy to have you and we‘re glad that you‘re enjoying every bit of it.

    I started out as a Thaumaturge and eventually a went on as a Black Mage like you up until I did raid content with my then static. I like the high damage output… as long as you stand still! Which made the playing experience interesting because you have to be wary and strategic as to where you stand and how you use your spells in keeping up with battle mechanics. Levels 1-50 is what I call the "BLM tutorial" since you basically get introduced to core mechanics of the job. Levels 50-60 is where it gets interesting as the concept of switching Astral Fire and Umbral Ice is taken to a whole new level. And for levels 60-70, you‘ll be given more stronger spells and movement utility like the Triplecast ability, which allows you to cast three consecutive spells without any cast time. On the road level 80 you just feel like you‘re just this black mage of destruction! That‘s what really attracted me to the job until I decided to try the Summoner and ultimately switched to it. Don‘t get me wrong, BLM will always be my first love, but DoTs, weaving spells and pet actions is just more akin to my playing style. You do you and play what you enjoy.

    I suggest watching the other official job action videos to get you excited on playing your chosen job. You never know, you might even like what you see from other jobs.

    And like life: take your time in learning the BLM – slow and steady progression is so rewarding especially when in a few months you look back at how you started and see how much you‘ve changed and progressed.

    Last of all, please don‘t forget to have fun in the game! I just subscribed to you and am looking forward to watch your adventures in Eorzea. 🙂

  20. I'm just a lil sprout as well, so I've not tried much yet, but so far I have one character who's just picked up the monk job and another who's just picked up dragoon. I really love both and find them both to be very satisfying to play. You can tell I'm a melee fan; I'm the same in WoW and ESO, preferring demon hunter in the former and dual-wielding in the latter. I did start a hunter character, but when I found out that their job is bard I deleted the character (*so* not into bard). For pugilist/monk, I love the way it feels – a little slow, but hard-hitting and satisfying, and I enjoy that most abilities do more damage from a certain angle, like flank or rear. As for lancer/dragoon, that also feels really satisfying, and playing an elezen lancer just feels really nice for me.

  21. As a Tank who already used to Paladin and now trying Dark Knight. I believe Paladin is more of a physical tank and Dark Knight is magical tank. As i heard Warrior is both. Not sure about the 4th Tank Gunbreaker.

  22. Healers all have a set of dps abilities that is comprised of one single target ability, one aoe ability and one dot. It's not enough to have a full rotation, but it keeps you entertained while you have nothing to heal. Plus, i've heared the endgame content is made taking the healers' dps into consideration, so there is that.
    My favorite class is scholar, cause it's so fast, and clicky, with lots insta-cast ogcds for burst healing, combined with good damage mitigation provided by the fairy and your shields. it's dificult to master, but certainly so much fun to play.

  23. I've been binge watching all your FF14 videos up until now and I love your reactions. Esepcially how you are already hyped by your class, that's amazing 😀
    I hope you'll have lots of fun in the game I've been stuck with for six years now 😀
    My favorite job is the Astrologian because it's the sparkliest healer, but in fact, I love all three healer classes that are ingame now and look forward to the Sage, a healer to come next expansion!


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