So You Boosted a Character in FFXIV…

Intro – 00:00
Boosts – 00:19
UI & Skills – 02:14
Questing/Features – 05:19
Flying – 07:19
Dungeon – 08:21
Gearing – 10:38
Materia 13:07

Additional Resources

New Player Guides:

Job Versus Playlist:

Resistance Weapon Guide:

Materia Explanation:

My UI & Instructions on Setting Up (PC Only)

User Interface –

Installation Video –

We are now sponsored by Steelseries! Check out the gear here w/ a 12% discount using the code MRHAPPY


Mrhappy Coffee:

Green Man Gaming:


43 thoughts on “So You Boosted a Character in FFXIV…”

  1. I got to lvl 60 within two weeks of pretty casual playing why would people waste that kinda cash? Gonna see so many noobs not knowing wtf their class does lol

  2. I have no intention of boosting but I was curious what kind of advice would be in this so I watched anyway. It is interesting to see all these new people in the game lately that have very little knowledge of what they should do or where to go. Makes for some interesting if not frustrating DF parties but I'll welcome them all the same.

  3. Another good note to Boosters is to not get discouraged by Gatekeepers. You're not invalid, wrong, or less-than just for using a lvl boost or story skip. While it does hurt my heart a little (okay a lot) whenever I hear that someone has skipped or clicked through the story, we all have our own reasons for playing. Besides, there's always New Game+ if you're ever curious about what you missed, or you could just watch a playthrough on YouTube.

    The most I can ask from someone who has boosted is to at least make the effort to get the basics down before you run headfirst into the unknown, and that's what this well made video is here to help with!

  4. Worth noting for the UI customization: the numpad (or Dpad on controller, I would guess) allows you to move in one pixel increments, to make it easier to line every element up.

  5. I think it's entirely reasonable to want to skip the snoozefest that was 2.0 and go right to at least Heavensward. (Remember the hours-long fetch quest you had to do to get to Titan?)
    Some of that stuff is now 8 year old content, and it's just… not very good.

  6. I boosted a char through story to shadow bringers and then after realizing how much great story I missed I deleted the char and started all over and I'm so glad that I did it because I missed alot of great story and fun

  7. So i mained drg the whole way through msq from start to finish then leveled war. I work 12 hour shifts 5-6 days a week. So i boosted some jobs. I dont run pugs with boosted jobs until after i've learned rotations and such. Theres a lot of flack thrown at people who boost. But if you want to know the story of any job or msq, you can look it up or watch via new game+, the inn, or youtube. As long as you know how to play your job, you wont affect others by boosting. I dont get the hate for it. Play the game however you wish to. Boosting is totally acceptable.

  8. I'm really happy this is a legit guide for boosters from a prominent ff14 streamer.

    I didn't boost nor do I recommend it, but I really hate the elitism of people when it comes to this stuff.

  9. "So you boosted a character …" Now you have skipped most of the content in the game you've just purchased and you suck at playing your character. Well done now you can delete the game so the people that played their characters won't have to party with you because you are trash.

  10. As someone who boosted a couple characters: It is worth it if you are not having a fun time. Level 70 is when you get all those really awesome skills. I was finding myself near quiting because I just was not having fun with any of the jobs, but I knew at the higher levels they looked really great and fun for me. So, I decided to buy a couple and it allowed me to love the game and play through it. Once you have just a couple at higher level it feels better to level the others so it works out.

    I will say there are two jobs to avoid boosting: Ninja and Astrologian. Both of these jobs do have a lot, and I mean a lot, of stuff involved in their kit. They have a lot to manage so it is best to learn these two jobs as they level.

    Ultimately you should boost any job you want if you want to spend the money. You are not wrong for boosting. You are not less of a FFXIV player. You should however, after claiming all your gear and the free glamours from calamity salvager since you did not do the quests, should go to practice dummies for a solid 30 minutes to an hour to understand and master it.

    GGs all players and have fun 🙂

  11. I never bought story skip when i first started. I actually like the entire all expansion story lines from ARR to Shadowbringers but that just me lol i started out as drg (never played it again, same goes for MNK xD i find them boring lol) i bought boosted characters to 70 was PLD, BRD and SAM XD

  12. I normally like your videos. But this advertisement for boosting is a bad idea for a video. I hope only people that have been playing for a long time and have on or 2 jobs left to lvl are the only once interested in this video.

  13. The game automatically boost you on RDM, SAM, GUN, DNC, and either smn or sch.. Like my SCH is level 80 and i have no idea how to play it.. I leveled GUN as my first tank because it was the quickest route to 80.. The best thing to do is go to that salted website to learn the jobs because i had no idea what to do on rdm until i went there.

  14. I recommend to all Booster's change Chocobo name in a Chocobo Keeper(on Eorzea main 3 cities) because if you don't want be identify has a Booster by the Community and welcome ,hope you have fun!!Great video Happy ,oh …Hay Happy, how are you :)?

  15. Tell me if I'm wrong, but there are no Job Boosts that doesn't also boost your MSQ or job quests? I mean, if I would ever consider getting a boost for an alt job, I'd rather not miss anything. It would be better to just get the level and gear, then be able to do all the job quests one after the other. (And I'd never boost beyond what my main job is, so no boost until MSQ has passed 70.)

  16. i boosted 9 of em. now im playing new game plus to play the game at my own pace whilst being able to do the good end game because being stuck in the story sucks

  17. I fear no man until I saw i510 chest piece for 100k on Gilgamesh, let me head back to my comfortable 50k on my home world. Good video btw, but I don't really recommend boosting SCH to 70 as first healer job since throwing new SCH to Holminster Switch is nightmare. (maybe, trust pace can help with that?)


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