FINALLY WE COULD EXPERIENCE IT! The Shadowbringers trailer leaves Ash excited, but also very confused and with so many questions left unanswered.
After finished the Stormblood MSQ we immediately take a look at the long anticipated trailer.
All we can do now, Become The Warrior of Darkness..
Ash has never played any of the FF games before, so all FF references, the lore and the world will all be completely new to him.This means he will take his sweet time with things, learn as he goes and read trivial things to some.Ash welcomes tips and advice, but please do not spoil story or major plot parts for him, he wants to experience it himself for a better viewing experience!
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#Shadowbringers #FFXIV #reaction
First view, Let's go. Jk, super excited to watch you go through shadowbringer. Sorry for being quiet lately outside discord though, so much going on for me lol! Also yes I'm ready
here we gooooooooooooooooooooooo
This trailer i have watched at least 50 times, it just looks so damn good!
And like any other FF 14 trialer, it leaves u with more questions then answers.
Shadowbringers Hype!
the next thing you're going to hear is wait till you get to 5.3… mark my words.
if you notice the order of the jobs: Bard (1.0), Warrior (2.0), Dragoon (3.0), Monk/Samurai (4.0), DRK (5.0)
It is so inanely so much better than the trailer and how good you think it is. Because it’s mind blowing so much better. Enjoy the ride through Shadowbringers.
I got to completely finish it all a few 3 days ago and so much enjoyed it. Now Endwalker ready. But I’ll also be taking my time with it.