FFXIV: Summoner Hands On & Tooltips – Media Tour 2021

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#FFXIV #Meoni #mediatour2021

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


14 thoughts on “FFXIV: Summoner Hands On & Tooltips – Media Tour 2021”

  1. As a SMN main, I'd say this will take a bit to adjust to. Overall I'm not opposed to change after so many hours of the current rotation, and it does look and feel more like a summoner class. Thank god we kept resurrection though, I would have rioted othewise xD

  2. honestly this is everything i ever wanted from summoner. gonna be interesting to learn the new rotation but just watching you and reading the stuff it seems very smooth. thank lord bahamut attacks on its own now and no more dot managment(not that it was bad really but im happy its gone)

  3. they simplified it too much, there's not even 2 full hotbars of skills. I've been playing summoner for 5 years and this is by far the worst it has ever looked from a gameplay pov. The visuals might be cool to look at, but it plays in a very brain dead and boring manner. And the fact that there's now a GAP OF 16 LEVELS in which you get no new skills from 74 to 90 just goes to show, they had no clue what to make of it.

  4. My main question is still up in the air: Egi Glamours. How does that work now? Am I forced to use a "generic carbuncle"? I'm a fulltime RPer, and my RP job is Summoner, and I just want to know if I can still RP that I have an Egi summoned, and not a Carbuncle.

  5. Keep going back and forward between excitement and nervousness with new summoner. This might not be a popular opinion now but, I love current summoner. Keeping track of your dots and making sure you don't summon bahamut before getting all 4 stacks of ruin 4 in your opener just makes the job feel so satisfying to me. New SMN visually looks out of this world but, the gameplay sounds too simple. Still have to wait until endwalker to know for sure though I guess. Great video dude! 🙂

  6. Hm, so Fester is just straight 300 pot now, instead of relying on DOTS to get that pot (all pot are subject to change though). The ruin skills are all 1 skill now that upgrades, Ruin 2 has a cast time (due to it just being upgraded Ruin 1) and no Ruin 4 stacks? Further ruin 3/4 are used to upgrade the new skills. Physik is still around, and probably still scales off MND (so still quite useless). I like how we get a dedicated Ruby and Emerald upgrade now, instead of just being Emerald and Topaz and straight into egis. I am not sure how this rotation is going to shake out, considering how involved summoner was before. I, unlike most of the people who "liked" summoner, am pretty keen on a less restrictive rotation. Summoner before was super punishing if you couldn't manage to weave twice and follow the rotation to a T. This definitely seems a lot more straightforward, though I'd want to get my hands on with it to actually put it through it's paces.

  7. Trying to keep track of what gcd im on is going to take some serious getting used to, especially when there is a wide variety of different things to do. Current summoner is very robotic and the same for every fight.

  8. Man, I hope we can glamour pets into the Primals. I miss how FF11's SMN was. Always HATED how the Egis look in this game and I don't like the Carbuncle either. I wanna have someone menacing over my shoulder lol.


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